Welcome to the first of soon to be many Temples to that Bestest List Mistress and Wonderific fanfic writer Thamiris. If you're interested in running a ThamTemple, email caesarkat@geocities.com. Don't forget to scroll down and vote in the Temple Poll!
You might be asking yourself how this previously unknown cyber-entity has grown to the level of having her own Temple. The answer is simple, she rocks. Her fiction draws you into the world of Blood n' Fucking GodSex, a land in which she is the benevolently malevolent Empress. She writes delicious stories of gorgeously evil and manipulative men, betrayal and lust, covered in blood and cum. Hell, she can even make that whiner of the Xenaverse, Iphicles, seem like a fuckable character. Don't believe me? Follow the links below and see for yourself. Be warned, the stories are dark, and slashy(homoerotic) or just m/m good! If you're not an adult, you shouldn't be reading them.
The Ksmithares HomePage Your One Stop Shopping Site for Hot Ares fuc, er I mean fiction.
Sophia has set up a shrine to Thamiris Sophia's Shrine to Thamiris
Still not a believer? Here's are some of Tham's biggest fans, with their endorsements
Ares, God of War
Thamiris, now that's my kind of girl. Even though she likes to trap me in dream worlds while my lover fucks a mortal with my face, and lets another war god take over my world...maybe she deserves a good spanking. She'd enjoy that too much though. Oh, yes, back to why I like that little minx, she's one of a kind. That's a good thing, if there were more Thams in this world, even my immortal stamina wouldn't be able to stand the orgasms.
Strife, Godling of Mischief
::giggle:: Yeah, Thamiris. She tries to say that she doesn't like me, but that's all just a front. She likes the tongue stud, the cheez whiz, the whole nine yards. Uh oh, I think I see her coming, I'm outta here!
Caesar, Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome
Yes, Thamiris is a woman of great destiny.My Empress of Blood n' Fucking GodSex. She understands me, better than I would like sometimes. The depth of her ability to write the most erotic and disturbing sex makes her one of my favorite writers.
Iphicles, King of Corinth
What can I say about Tham that hasn't already been said? She's a brilliant light in the darkness of my life. She's devoted, creative, and perverted. My favorite qualities in a woman. I love the way she writes me, so strong and intelligent. Enough about her, let me tell you some of my problems. There's the whole Rena thing, then Hercules is always putting me down, and my hair...::voice fades into indistinct whining::
If you would like to have your comments on our Beloved Tham added to this page email me with your contributions.
Mucho thanks to http://www.xenafan.com for the above picture of Caesar.Thanks to Dawn for the Ares and Iphicles pics. I got the pic of Strife from Dee's Strife Page, but I lost the URL (mea culpa)
The End :)