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I'm Long Red Hair. Tatiana Covington!
I signed up on 07/05/98 15:57:49.

My interests are:
molecular biology, fusion power, space travel.

Should go on April 6, 2004 with Meltzer or with Alter. Go to GLO.html, telomerase.html,and to UO.html, for the most important information on Earth! My page is
molecular biology
fusion power
science in general



(Painting (c) by Pat Rawlings.) Email me at before I go.
e.jpg Or Sign Guestbook and
View Guestbook See me at girl1.jpg, look into my burning red eyes in girl2.JPG!!!, and then think about fusion power. The right man gets to see me eventually in these... bride1.JPG and bride2.JPG
j1.gif j2.gif j3.gif j4.gif j5.gif --Julian Grajewski's article in 21st Century Science and Technology about aliens.

Here are frames of me as Mme. Luna Lander, Prima AstroBallerina of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ((c) 1998 Tatiana Covington) ballet.JPG ballet1.jpg ballet2.JPG ballet3.JPG ballet4.JPG ballet5.JPG ballet6.JPG For a good GID therapist, Dr. Anne Stericker, 1200 N. El Dorado, Tucson AZ 520-298-9746, view stericker.gif

For my resume, see R2001.doc.

Join the Mars Society!
trannies down under
warp drives being researched by NASA
For something encouraging, kindle the Sun's fire on Earth at
ITER in Canada
Fusion power
The Abingdon Torus
The Princeton Torus
These are all hot fusion. For cold fusion--for which there is some evidence--try Hot and Cold Running Fusion
Infinite Energy
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