ABOUT....... STX
I am a MAN- I live and work in the world of TATTOOS and PIERCINGS .

I have NEVER been a follower- dont like being the leader - and often feel I am invisible....

I have been legally dead twice ... I am a Buddhist ... and have the kinds of friends who see ME - love ME - nurture ME - and accept ME - AS I AM.

I am extremely high energied, love to laugh and joke, and see life as an opportunity!

I can find something funny in almost any situation!

I dont do drugs, rarely drink alcohol, but I don't care if you do, and I don't smoke anything ever.....

I am warm, sincere, honest, loyal, loving and kind- and also tough as the steel I put thru my body!

I am a strong man, deeply spiritual - and one wild guy!! I think that if YOU dont see YOU as one hot sizzlin' being- you need to change your lighting and get a better mirror!! You ARE important, YOU are the center of your world and I am DELIGHTED that you are here!

I am Tattoo'd and Pierced -I love to look at my own and other peoples tattoos and piercings!

If I tell you I will do something you can count on it happening!

so- who am I ? I am me..... STX