Sex 'n' Drugs 'n' Rock 'n' Roll, fast cars, black guitars, beautiful-boys, gorgeous-girls, jazz, blues, Jack 'n' coke, vodka, cheap red wine......
Welcome To My Home

Hi, my name is..... hey you know my name already. I just told you. But, what's in a name anyway? I mean, this is the Internet right? So, you (probably) don't know me, you (probably) live on the other side of the world from me, and you've really no way at all of telling if this my name, or someone else's or indeed if I just made it up. (Doh, there's a novel idea.)

OK. OK. You'll be needing something to call me by, should you, however improbable this may seem, wish to call me. Shall I start again...?

Hi, my name is 'Rie Gordon and I'm  not exactly you're average girl in the street. I'm not exactly a weirdo mind you, but I'm certainly not quite what you might call run of the mill. So let's get this out of the way to begin with, let's not be having any misunderstandings. If you're one of those red-necked thicko inter-bred tossers that starts raving about pinko-fag-dyke-sick-girl-loser- trash. Then do yourself, and the rest of the world a little favour, after you've pressed the exit button, get your Daddy's (or your ugly bitchin' Momma's,) gun from over the fire, take off your shoes and socks, put the end with the holes in your mouth, -oh yeah, sorry. Make sure you are sitting on the floor when you do this. You probably already are because you had to remove your socks and shoes, and I don't expect you've got any actual furniture, just empty bottles  and crisp packets.

Now, you've got the end with the holes in your mouth and all you have to do is put one of your toes on the trigger and it'll all be better. Honest. You can trust me in this.

So, for the dip-shits among us, here's the exit button.
That's the one, it says EXIT .


Bye boys, don't forget Momma's gun, now.

This page is going to be about me and all the things I like and all the things that make me laugh and probably a few of the things that I don't like and maybe  even about things that make me really angry.  

There'll Be Rock Music, Gags, Stories, Artwork....

....And Some People Will (Inevitably,) Get The Mickey Taken


All Right. Now it's just you and me and I'm gonna tell you just how it really is. Don't mess around now....      Click Here!


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