Gina Elizabeth Armour,Gina Chava Elizabeth,Gene Armour,Transsexual


Hi! I'm gina chava elizabeth !!

I love to be treated like the woman that I am ...............


Vitals: 39-31-40 B cup Blonde hair Blue eyes

About Me...

Hello. I'm Gina Chava Elizabeth, a M to F transsexual. I live as a woman all day, every day... it is my life. This website has a number of purposes.

First, to provide a window into my life that may help other people and their families. There is a biography, gallery, and web links. I write articles for the Transgender Forum to help others making this transition. Articles I have written include "beauty tips", "body movements", "inner femininity" , and "a plea for true transsexuals" are here. Also contained herewith is an editorial published in a City Newspaper about my life(with some false statements, but mostly positive "Gina - Life After Life" and "A Personal Plea" for help.

Second, help potential clients & employers understand who I am and what I have to offer, so that I can continue my professional career. So, my resume is here. My foremost ambition right now is to continue my success in business as a woman.

And perhaps... this site might help me find new friends, casual and otherwise, with whom to share my life. I am very feminine, fashion conscious and aesthetically inclined.

I enjoy the fine arts (opera, ballet, concerts), fine dining, French food being my favorite, and dancing until the wee hours. I love to travel internationally, Paris being my favorite city. A similar passion of mine is cooking at home. I am a gourmet cook and love to entertain and "show off" my culinary skills. I participated in tennis, gymnastics, track and formal dance, ballet, modern & jazz.

I am 5'6", medium to slim build, age...I'd rather skip that one for now ..*smile* and considered by most an attractive woman. I am also considered, sophisticated, bright, honest, gregarious, sexy, classy and a real lady. I'm fun to be with, love people, love a good time and have conservative values. Enough on my character traits for now...

I love to get all "Fahr Pitzt" in silk & lace for an unforgetable nite on the town. I love to be treated like a real queen and have the "doors opened for me." My musical tastes are mostly classical and operatic; I also like jazz, and love dancing to Rock & Roll.

I love and adore children. I cannot imagine any experience in life greater than carrying a baby to term and giving birth. Every time I see a young mother with an infant or toddler I feel a lump in my throat, an ache in my heart wishing it was me and wondering why it wasen't and an overwhelming joy for her. I have always loved children and family life. Nothing is more important.

Also, I love to talk!! Let me know all about you..your quirks, likes & dislikes.

Francais translation...

Twerski, M.D.


A wealth of information on transsexualism with subsidiary links...Including photos with career captions of approx. 100 successful M to F transitions.... Neurologists, physicists, computer scientists, professors, even an airline pilot..They are all beautiful....A MUST SEE!!!

Very Important To Read If You Are Thinking About Transitioning. A MUST READ!!

One of the most imformative sights I have seen with info, photos and most everything else on all aspects of Transsexualism. Thank you Lynn Conway

Another Lynn from Canada..another excellent informative sight with links

Transexual Woman's Resource Page

transexual looking-glass



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Modified February 2002.....more to come!!!
Let's get acquainted!

gina elizabeth

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