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proposed BY-LAWS II


A. This organization shall be known as Colorado Uniform Men.

B. It shall be formally identified by using the acronym comprised of the first initial of each word, or C.U.M.


A. C.U.M. shall be a non-shareholding, non-commercial, and non-profit organization.

B. C.U.M. shall provide a social network for gay men and their families, it shall serve as an information center for furthering cultural awareness of the gay uniform culture among the community at large.

C. C.U.M. will strive to serve and enrich the gay community by sponsoring two charity events each year.


A. C.U.M. shall be open to men of all nationalities, races, and creeds.

B. Members shall demonstrate their commitment to the purpose of this organization by taking the oath of enlistment and by wearing the club uniform and colors when required to do so.

C. Individuals may become registered members upon attendance of their second general meeting, and having taken the oath of enlistment.

D. All members shall be considered voting members excepting those who fail to attend three consecutive meetings.

E. Voting rights will be restored upon attendance of second consecutive general meeting.

F. Only registered members with full voting rights may vote at a general business meeting


A. Prior authorization of the Squadron Commander and/or Executive Committee is required for any member to act on behalf of CUM in procuring merchandise, services or participate in any binding agreement with any other organization or person.

B. Voluntary monetary member contributions shall be accepted, in lieu of dues, at each CUM General Business Meeting. Individual members shall not be required to pay any additional fees to retain membership, in the organization.

C. The Executive Committee shall present an annual operating budget for approval by the members. Members shall review and approve the annual budget during the July General Business Meeting. Suggestions for budget items may be submitted throughout the year by any Member of the organization. General budget items to be considered include organization income and expenditures.

D. Examples of income include but are not limited to: fund raisers, member voluntary monetary contributions, beer-bust proceeds, contest proceeds, donations, investments, interest or grants. Expenditure examples include but are not limited to: workshops supplies, publicity, and emergency temporary aid to members requiring financial help.

E. A temporary emergency financial aid fund shall be provided for use by organization members. Single grants not exceeding $______ require approval of the Executive Committee. Multiple grants or grants in excess of $______ requires approval of the general membership as well as the executive Committee. The qualification and amount for each grant will be determined by the financial aid Committee.



1. Squadron Commander (President)

2. Lt. Squadron Commander (Secretary)

3. Quartermaster (Treasurer)


1. Squadron Commander

a. The Squadron Commander shall preside at all General Business, Executive Committee, and/or Social meetings.

b. He shall empower Standing Committees. c. He shall appoint all Standing Committee Chairpersons. d. He shall delegate operational responsibilities as required to foster the growth and welfare of the organization.

e. The Squadron Commander shall participate with the Executive Committee in the preparation and presentation of an annual budget.

2. Lt. Squadron Commander

a.The Lt. Squadron Commander shall assume the duties of the presidency in the absence of the President, or in the event that office is vacated before a full term of office has been served. In the event the Lt. Squadron Commander is unable to fulfill this obligation an election shall be held within 30 days to select a Squadron Commander.

b. The Lt. Squadron Commander shall participate with the Executive Committee in the preparation and presentation of an annual operating budget.

c. The Lt. Squadron Commander shall keep a correct and complete set of the minutes of all General Business meetings. Such minutes shall be made available to the Executive Committee and the general membership for review and acceptance at the next regularly scheduled business meeting and on the Web-site.

d. The Lt. Squadron Commander shall keep a roster of members.

e. The Lt. Squadron Commander shall be responsible for all CUM correspondence including membership meeting notices.

3. Quartermaster

a. The Quartermaster shall act as custodian of all funds of the organization, receive moneys, and pay bills as authorized.

b. He shall make available for presentation a statement of accounts and balances at each business meeting.

c. All withdrawals on the account(s) of CUM shall require two (2) signatures: that of the Squadron Commander and/or Lt. Squadron Commander and/or the Quartermaster.

d. The Quartermaster shall participate with the Executive Committee in preparation and presentation of an annual budget.


1. Elections for the Executive Committee shall be held annually during the month of April.

2. The acting Squadron Commander shall call for nominations from the floor during the regularly scheduled February General Business meeting.

These nominations shall be limited to:

1) Candidates for office who are members of CUM.

2) Candidates who have expressed agreement to accept the nomination.

3. Election of an individual shall require a majority of those voting.

4. Voting to select the Executive Committee officers shall be by secret ballot except in the case where only one nomination for the office has been made. In such cases, the election shall be considered by unanimous consent.

5. In the case of an Executive Committee vacancy(ies) caused by resignation, death, or other acts, the Squadron Commander with the concurrence of the Executive Committee shall appoint a member in good standing to complete such unexpired terms.

6. Any officer or member can be removed from office for just cause or any action prejudicial to the well-being of the organization and a vote by secret ballot by the majority of the organization.


A. General Business meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of every month.

B. An organization quorum is required to conduct all business including elections.

C. A Quorum shall be considered as 25% of the voting registered members.

D. Special Meetings shall be held as necessary to plan and carry out all events.



By-laws may be amended as requested by the general membership or Executive Committee when the following conditions are met:

a. The proposed change has been presented at the previous meeting and is part of the current meeting agenda.

b. The proposed change is approved by a simple majority of those present during the meeting that the vote is taken.

c. A Quorum is present.


1. Standing Rules shall govern the areas of concern not expressed specifically in the by-laws.

2. Standing Rules shall compliment and not conflict with the by-laws of the organization.

3. Standing Rules may be adopted or amended without previous notice, by majority vote of those present, at any general business meeting.