Lady in Boots ....  The Web Site

Killer Boots........Thigh Highs to die for.

Lots and lots of Thigh-High-Boot pictures. . . .my passion...

and...maybe, a little leather too. . . .another passion.

There is nothing like a lady in boots...except two ( or more ) of us in boots.This site is a mixture of fashion and "erotic" pictures of ladies in boots and / or leather. If this is what you like, you've come to the right place....enjoy.

If you have pictures of yourself, ladies, or of your girl friend / partner / wife boots, send them to the address below for posting here..let others enjoy your bootwear.....if you have any interesting "boot" stories, send them to me for possible publication here.

The images on this site have been gathered from various sources on the "net". If any of them are copyright and you are the holder of the copyright, and you wish them removed, let me know. If you don't mind reproduction but would like the images to carry an acknowledgement...again, mail me. If your happy with publication and you like the free publicity, that's OK...and send me some more for posting. Where possible, if wanted, all images will be credited.

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boot and leather lovers have visited since 15th. October 1997, when the site was opened.

These pages updated (with something special) 3rd. October 1998