Me on the Seattle waterfront.

Well it's a new year (2006) and it looks to be interesting. I'm looking forward to Spring Thaw this year. Several friends from around the country will be attending. It will be nice to see them again. Last October I helped my friends Mike & Dave move from NH to the Seattle area. It was a fun drive across the country. Last July I attended my first Furfest (in Fredericton, New Brunswick). It was one of the friendliest bear events I have ever been to and hope to go again this year (in mid August).

I missed going to Tucson, AZ for La Fiesta de Los Osos this year but hope to get there next January. That is a great bear event. The Tucson Bears do a terrific job putting on a great event. Check the links page for info.

{ friends & photos 1 } { personal info } { photos 2} { photos 3 } { e-mail } { links }

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