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It will tell you all you want to know about Swingcafé de Steeg in Emmen, the Netherlands. It's a gay minded bar, with a clubby atmosphere, room to dance but also room to just sit at the bar.

You can leave your comments in our Guestbook
Or see what other people have said.


Club and Trance,

But, on Thursday, Friday and escpecially Sunday also relaxed music, like

  • Abba
  • Madonna
  • Dreamhouse

The adres of de Steeg is:

De Steeg
Wilhelminastraat 54a
7824 CR Emmen
the Netherlands

Opening Hours:
  • Thursday: 20:00-1:00
  • Friday: 21:00-2:00
  • Sateuday: 21:00-3:00
  • Sunday 20:00-1:00

Remember: in "De Steeg" you can get Amstel Beer

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here is something to start with, just to get an idea of the taste of the designer of this page....

B sure to take a look at some of the visitors of de Steeg: David and Peter, the designers of this page.

(David's homepage is currently not available.

© 1997 swingcafe de Steeg

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