Submission Boy's Home Page

Here is an awesome new site to check out!

Please note: I receive a LARGE amount of e-mail. It does take me some time to read it all, and I respond to all of it that I can. If you have questions about purchasing gear, videos or pictures, or are looking for wrestling partners, please check out other sources on the net. (There are some listed on my links page.) Stuff is out there and it's fairly easy to find. I've had way too many of these kind of generic questions to deal with lately and can't reply to those. (i.e. Where can I buy videos? Where can I buy gear? How can I meet wrestlers?) I try to answer other mail as I get to it.

Thanks for your continued contributions. Right now I am especially seeking stories for the story page. If you have any submission wrestling stories, please send them to me, and let me know if you would like me to include your name and/or email address.

Welcome to SubmissionBoy's Home Page!!

This page is dedicated to what I like. Wrestling submissions!

If you have any information you'd like to share with me, if you are interested in talking about any submission holds or stuff, whatever, write to me. If you have any pictures you would like to contribute for this page, send them to me and I'll give the appropriate accredition.

If you have anything to share, that'd be greatly appreciated.

this page is always under construction... thanks for stopping by...come again soon...


Anaconda, Abdominal Stretch, Backboard, Backbreaker (both shoulders, one shoulder, over knee or head), Banana Split, Bear Hug (standard or upside down w/ face-in-crotch), Bow and Arrow (knee on back or foot on back), Boston Crab (full and half), Camel Clutch (standard, w/neck twist, w/full nelson, or w/sleeper), Cobra Clutch, Crossbow, Cross-face Chicken Wing, Crucifix (on shoulders or on mat), Dragon Sleeper, Double Bar Nelson with Body Scissors, Figure-four Body Scissors with Half-nelson, Figure-four Leglock with Double Underhook, Floating Octopus, Full Nelson, Double Hammerlock with Choke, Hangman, Horeshoe Crab, Indian Deathlock, Japanese Leglock, Japanese Strangle, Leg Nelson, Mormon Sickle, Double Pectoral Claw, Pendulum, Quebradura (spinning backbreaker), Regal Stretch, Rocking Horse, Scissors (body and head), Scorpion Deathlock, Sleeper, STF, Straitjacket, Stretch Plum, Stump Puller, Surfboard (full and reclining and prone), Texa Cloverleaf.
I love to talk about, hear about, read about, watch, use, and be punished in these holds, as well as other unique variations. I also love 2-on-1 holds. I've been in a few, and they're tremendous. Have you ever experience any 2 or more-on-1?

I am also including submission stories from friends and visitors to this page. If you'd like to include an experience you've had (giving, receiving, or watching--or, for that matter, fantasized) e-mail or leave it in my guestbook. If you'd like me to link your story to your e-mail, indicate that.

This way to the submission stories page.
This way to the picture links page.

Submission makes me happy!!
