Julie HP - Bio & things
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Julie Bio  & things

Okay, Okay.. here's some fine print..  likes & dislikes, fav colors you know, all that.

Hmm ...so your bored already, eh  ?

Hometown:                   born  Houston, Texas,   many of my younger years thereabouts, ya hear?

Current Residence:     Iowa,  USA

Gender? :                     *** how did I know you would ask, that !
                                         I transgendered now - pre-op M to F.....but one day :)

Croutons or Bacon Bits:  Croutons

Favorite Salad Dressing:  French, low-fat... sometimes, fresh made Caesar salad

Do you drink?:              rarely, very minor, a beer only if for the occasion

Favorite wine:               Ruby Red Cabernet, by Julian Gallo

Do you make fun of people:
                                       Rarely. Life is hard enough, why add more grief  & misunderstanding, even for personal fun?

Shampoo or conditioner: Shampoo & Conditioner

Have you ever gone skinny-dipping::        gee, you'd ask me that !    Not that I remember, 
                                                                   Once at the beach. I changed my short pants. in the surf.. does that count ?

Favorite color(s) ?:         shades of brown.. earthy colors when I painting....
                                        Some reason,  I wear lots green & black clothes too much. I don't now why, but I likes them. 

One pillow or two? 2 pillows

any Pets:                        none currently,  there are wild rabbits living in my backyard.. I feed them sometime,
                                        and watch for the babies. I like  cats too  --  Tiger - my favorite.

Favorite type of music:
                                      - modern folk - Lucy Kaplansky,  Mary Chapin Carpenter, Tish Hinojosa
                                      - some new-age, jazz melodies
                                      - latest interest - World-music genre, like,
                                          Gracias a la Vida..(thank you for the Life) - Mercedes Sosa of Argentina.

Favorite Cartoon character: 1- Bugs Bunny ,  2- Homer Simpson  ( dohhhh ! )

Hobbies:                        Painting, sketching  with pastels, collecting original art works,
                                        when by the lakes or ocean..sailing,
                                        traveling,   some computer stuff.

Dream Car:                    BMW convertible, black., late model --  if anyone likes to donate one, tell me where please.

Words or phrases you overuse: "Really",  "well"... "gee-whizz",   "ohhh"

Toothpaste:                   Rembrandt (sp?)

Favorite Food:              1- Mexican style,  spicy.. wild rice, sopappias,
                                      2- I like all kinds of salads, make my own at home, especially green salads- fresh spinach leaves,
                                                celery with walnuts
                                      3- fish, baked fish.. or boiled shrimp, usually in the salad.

Piercing or tattoos:        once in each ear.

Most romantic thing that ever happened to you:  **  ummmm... its private,  sorreeee !

How do you characterize yourself, Romantic or Hopeless romantic?: Hopeless Romantic

Share one private thing, not many people know about you :
                                                             - my personal hero is my grandma :)

Do you get along with your parents?:
                                      Mom, yes.  Though  she "really"  wants me home, to be sure I seeing the right people.. ok again, Mom.
                                      Dad, yes...  but  miss him....  long story.

Favorite town to chill in:     Austin, Tx...

.Favorite Ice Cream:          Strawberry

Favorite Drink:                   Grapefruit juice anytime

What's your bed-time:        11:00pm   or so... .weekends, well .. too late.

Adidas, Nike, or Reebok:    I don't have any of those.... Wal-Mart tennis shoes ?

Favorite Perfume/cologne:   In Love Again, by Yves Saint Laurent

Favorite Website:                I always checking my  e-mail,   many others .. I not have one special.

Favorite song(s)                   Five in the Morning  and  Ten Year Night -  by Lucy Kaplansky ( a few others too.. )

Favorite subject in school:   Drawing, visual arts..Spanish language &  liked literature too
                                                    ( then later I decide try be an engineer...  mistake )

Least favorite subject:        Accounting

Favorite sport to watch:       tennis +  I like the Olympic events too, when they are broadcast.

Most humiliating moment:
                                              Once driving home from work.  My car ran out of gas 1/4 mile from home.  I walked home
                                              to get gas from neighbor & a can... walking  back to car,  I see !  Mr. policeman was about to tow,
                                              my car away, yikes !  I ran over & plead to him let me take it --- so embarrassed   :(....

                                              He agreed if I paid, half tow truck fee. he let me go. so I did. whew-glad that was over.

Your dream vacation:          Private sailboat cruise with friends around Mediterranean, to see Greece, Italy & Spain from the
                                             coast. Touring inland along the way.. survey sites, art & architecture. Spend some nights,
                                             on small islands off-shore to relax with someone special. millennium trip maybe ?

Loudest person you know:   Kevin.. the greatest,  car salesman in the world.

Craziest person or silliest you know:    Scott,  one of the DJs ... I know.   hi Scott  !  :)  

What do you look for in a mate?:  
                                        Person I trust completely,  they are honest & understand the value of why.
                                        Someone to build a life together through thick or thin. They will be considerate of others.
                                        They should have spiritual interests close to mine, I guess that means interest & ability
                                        to seeing / feeling / thinking beyond ones own life.

Favorite holiday?            1) Christmas  2) New Years 3) July 4

Boxers or Briefs?            ??  for me,  simple white, cotton bikini style.  ( ones that wash once & still last .. seems so rare )

Is the inside of your car messy or clean?
                                         passengers area - clean... but, don't open the trunk..gee a mess there.

Favorite sport to participate in:    Tennis or riding my bike.

Favorite Movie(s):         1)  Out of Africa.. Meryl Strep -- feelings and quite passions of one's life.
                                        2)   Fried Green Tomatoes --  Kathy Bates & Jessica Tandy -- 1920s. **special
                                        3)   Reds - Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton - 1917 Russian Revolution.
                                        4)   Evening Star - with Shirley MacLaine

Worst date:                     I went to river-front  restaurant  to meet this "special" guy,   I had seen once before.
                                         He never showed then, or ever again....sigh ***


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