Preachers, Evangelists and Broadcasters



Thirty-seven years ago, one could have reasonably suggested that Pat Robertson was stretching his imagination when he named his broadcasting organization -- located in a rundown Portsmouth, Virginia,
TV station -- The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). Thirty-seven years later, no one can dispute that CBN is one of the largest television ministries in the world. Moreover, with its many subsidiary and affiliate organizations, CBN goes beyond the bounds of broadcasting in its mission to reach the world with a message of hope from the Bible.

Trinity Broadcasting Network

Click Either Emblem to Connect to TBN

TBN is now the world's largest Christian television network. Across America, TBN is carried by TV stations and cable systems to millions of homes. As a matter of fact, around the world TBN is seen on over 536 broadcast stations.   And the number continues to grow. The TBN web site is filled with links to many fine Preachers, Evangelists and Christian Organizations.

Today with Marilyn Hickey Ministries

303-796-1333 for Prayer Line


Pastor Rod Parsley

World Harvest Church
Box 32932
Columbus, OH 43232



 Internet for Christians

Maximize the Moment with Bishop T. D. Jakes

In the Year of Our LORD 2000

Dallas, Texas 72208

Doctor Mark Chironna

7512 Dr. Phillips Blvd Suite 50-360

Orlanda, FL 32819

Joel Osteen might best be described as a builder. Upon a firm foundation of faith, he first built his own life; then later he built that of a successful family. Beginning in his early twenties, Joel spent
nearly two decades building the Lakewood Church television program into one of the most effective Christian media outreaches in the world. In 1998, he again stepped out in faith when
when he entered the fiercely competitive Houston television market to build a small local independent station into one of the most successful Christian and family entertainment stations in the country. Therefore, it is not surprising that as Pastor of Lakewood Church, Joel would use his own life to relate to others the success one can achieve through obedience to God. Through stories, laughter and personal experiences, he has a unique ability to speak to both the rich and poor, the young and old, the professional and non-professional.

Joel's vision for Lakewood as presented on October 3, 1999) "I believe we can change the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I am committed to the global mission of Lakewood Church. In order to accomplish this vision, however,  we must recognize that it begins right here in Houston. For it is
    the investment in our own families and in our own neighborhoods that strengthen our local church, the very foundation upon which we launch our worldwide outreach." -- Pastor Joel Osteen

 Christian Connection
Connections to almost everything Chistian on the Internet

One of the Finest Preachers on Television
(Actually My Favorite)

 Cornerstone-John Hagee Ministries

Larry Joe Wright

Anointed and appointed by God into the five fold ministry as an Evangelist, Larry Joe Wright brings the gospel message of hope, healing, and deliverance in a very powerful way.  Larry Joe will lift your spirit with laughter as he shares the good news that God sees people where they are, and through the power of His Word and prayer, they can change and remain changed.  Larry Joe is blessed with a special ability to share God’s powerful grace, and through that grace, restoration will come.

Since 1970 Larry Joe & Linda have traveled full time as Evangelists.  After a series of losses in 1989, which left them downcast and broke, God’s divine intervention proved that no situation is ever hopeless.  One January 1, 1993 while employed at the Home Depot, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland came into the store, and the restoration began.  On January 19, 1993, a Prophetic Word given by Kenneth Copeland to Larry Joe & Linda brought a new anointing and a fresh fire to their lives and ministry.

Larry Joe & Linda are reaching out to hurting communities across this nation as they minister the Joy, Peace, Hope, and Healing that only Jesus Christ, the Anointed One can offer. When they are not traveling they are reaching out to the hungry and needy through a Food Distribution Center they have put together for those living in the Ft. Worth area.
