Ear Piercing and Hiding It

Source: Unknown

Ear piercing is relatively easy to accomplish. It can be done in the stores of many reputable jewelers, many physicians are capable of doing this, many beauty shops also do it. The risk of infection is low initially because all the parts of the piercing apparatus are disposable and sterile. The procedure may be uncomfortable psychologically, but in actuality is almost painless. It is more difficult to have blood drawn than to have your ears pierced.

It is usually suggested the studs remain in place for a month, but it can be done in ten days continuously, if the hole is not to be re-covered with skin. If you, as most do, have to work without exposing the fact that your ears are pierced, the following procedure is suggested:

Piercing is reversible. If you leave the earrings out for three to six months the holes will close by themselves.