Hey People --

I've decided to take down the diary portion of my webpage, until further notice. I am probably gonna go back to doing it locally, and later on, I'll figure out how I want to show it again. I thank y'all for your comments, compliments, and otherwise: it's been fun having it up and letting a bunch of people I don't know (and many I do) a peek into my life. I will revamp this page to get my pix on here (since that's the main reason most people look at these pages anyway), and probably gloss over some highlights of what I'm about, but until then...it will be this generic white screen. ::grin::

Take care, and again, thanks for reading.


Hi people -- Just wanted to update you all. I have added a contact sheet to the site, so feel free to peruse the photos of me at your leisure. Hope all is well with you.


When I redo my site ...

Your name (optional):
Your email address (optional): (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Of the following, which would you like to see?  
Picture Gallery  
Online Diary (again)  
Location for Users to Post Questions I Answer
What else would you like to see?

***Just so you know, this document uses FREEDBACK.com, which is a free CGI service. I had to use them, since the free webservers don't allow CGI scripts, so I can't get interaction from you people without it. I think when you hit the "Submit" button below, it will submit the document you just created, and, then send you to some page that they probably get $$$ for creating hits. Just so ya know. JP ***

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