Good dreams. I write in my dream journal
when I wake up in the morning. Sometimes, I am so aroused, that before I
can finish, I must pleasure myself. When I write the rest of the dream,
it seems even more vivid.
Mylene and the Magic Panties
Mylene has Scissor Sex with a Sister
Mylene and the Girl in the Mirror
Mylene as a Preop
Mylene in the Rain
Mylene and the Panty Hump
Mylene in the Room of Lace
Mylene does Lipstick Sucking
Mylene has Multiple Orgasms
Added in Winter 1998:
Mylene and the Male at the Panty Sale
Mylene Babysits a Diapered Sister
Mylene has Lesbian Sex
Mylene and the Kind, Older Sister
Added in Spring:
Mylene And a Panty Dream Sister
Mylene Underneath a Loving Couple
Mylene is Penetrated by Panties
Mylene Is a Suck-a-Bye Baby Girl
Mylene Makes a Woman Envious
Added in Summer:
Mylene and the Chamber Music
Mylene and Five Men At Once
Mylene has a Girlish Accident
Take this kiss upon the brow
And, in parting from you now
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...