I am on my knees in front of a sweet sister who has raised her skirt.

"Oh, but you are so perfect," I tell her. I am unashamedly looking at her genitals through her panties. What a lovely sight. What a beautiful sight. I find such harmony, such delight in this. Her panties are the prettiest I have ever seen. They are pale pink, with a frothy edging of lace around the waistband. A flower is embroidered on the waistband, with several satin ribbons swirling underneath and around it.

The legbands spill with lace, and there is more lace to be seen at the hips, and the front panel has a delightful pattern of embroidery that has little pearls embedded in the swirling lace. The panel forms a diamond shape and frames the manhood within.

"Oh, but you are so perfect."

I love the way my sister looks in her panties. The bulge is very pretty. I can see the outline of the thick, round, almost heart-shaped scrotum, and resting above it, the penis, with the head of it very distinctly shaped.

Now it has become erect, and I like the way it juts out from the panties. My sister is so clever, she seems to be able to make it jump. Now she's made it like a drawbridge; first it is sticking straight out, now it is up against her belly! The lace panties frame it so beautifully. I love the feel of it through the silk. She tells me she loves it too. She urges me to touch it, to fondle it, to play with it. Her wonderful silky panties cling to the erection, and I find myself mouthing it, drawing all of it in. My lips swirl around the slippery silky fabric which is now very wet and creamy.

I think to myself, why haven't I done this before, why haven't I done it through a sister's panties like this! She seems to love it as much as I do, she moans and moans. The fabric is so slick now! It is like a delicious confection. Imagine an eclair with a soft, shimmering, buttery layer of dough around it that melts in your mouth. That's this wonderful penis coated in silky panty!

I pull away and find the sight of the wet panties molded to her maleness to be so arousing, I become mad with desire.

"Do it to me," I whisper, getting on my stomach, arching my ass, spreading my legs, "Oh please, please, do it to me like this. Put yourself inside me, while you still have your beautiful panties on! They'll slide in and out of me so nicely. Then, when you come, when you come in your panties, I can eat them all up!"

It's as if the panties really are edible! Sister giggles and giggles, but with amusement, not with disdain. She can't believe that I am so aroused. But I can tell by the way she massages herself, and feels the slippery panties, which seem so much like a softer and slicker version of a lambskin condom, that she is going to do as I ask.

Although I am on my stomach, in the dream I see very clearly what is about to happen! I can see the thick, long, beautifully shaped erect penis, coated in the silky fabric, approaching closer and closer, throbbing in the air, about to penetrate me. I can see the framing lace, so delicate and feminine and beautiful. I want to be taken this way, yes, yes, I want to have myself filled, and to also feel delicate satin and lace against my thighs and my naked bottom as she strokes in and out of me.

I see tears run down my face.

"It feels so good," I weep, "it feels so good, my beautiful sister."

"Why are you crying, Mylene?" she whispers in my ear as she enters me.

"Because," I sob, "you are my dreamgirl."

I must have been about to awaken, I must have realized sadly that this was a dream.

I wanted to re-live it all. I put on the most beautiful panties. I touched myself through them. But it was not the same. I knew that if I didn't stop, I would simply break down in tears.

But days later, I could look back on the dream with wistful fondness, and then with great delight. I accept you, my dreamgirl, on your own terms, which is in dream world.