Temple of the Fish
Home Ode to Fishy Photo Album Order a Filet!


Ode to Fishy
Photo Album
Order a Filet!

WB00768_.gif (516 bytes) Welcome to the Temple of the Fish! WB00768_.gif (516 bytes)

This page is a tribute to A Fish Called Krycek. We here at the Temple live to serve the fish. Nothing makes us happier than a day spent in reverent silence, cutting up fresh lobster for our very own Good Boy.

Simply put, we think that the fishy is a marvel of nature. Won't you join us in our morning prayer?

"His fins are incandescent, his teeth are pearly white.
Should Mulder try fellatio,  we're sure Good Boy won't bite!"

holdhamr.wmf (4626 bytes) Please make an offering to the fish before you go.lobster7.wmf (10132 bytes)

This page was last updated on 01/03/98.