Nicholas' Homepage

A little about me... Pictures Diary Contact Me Webcam

Welcome to my website, this is a fairly new project of mine...well actually it's a fairly old project of mine that I recently decided to take up yet again.  The most recent update to this site states that I'm 19 years old...well I'm 22 now...quite a bit has changed since then.  Watch for lots of interesting stuff to be happening here.  My how far I've come.  My life is quite a bit busier now than it was when I built my first geocities page.  I built that first page using Windows Notepad, I did everything myself.  Now I'm using Microsoft Frontpage 2000, what it all comes down to is that I simply haven't got the time to write all the HTML myself anymore.

Click on one of the links at the top to look at what I've currently got on my page.  I hope to add more fun stuff in the future.

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