
My name is Roberta Hough, but you can call me Bobbie.

Welcome to:

The Other Side of my Life

I am a native Californian (Bay Area Style), and, seeing that I was born in June of 1960, I am also a moon child and a flower child.

My interests are:
Photography, web design, poetry, and guitar, among other things.

I am bi, and still struggling with my identity. I'm not out of the closet yet, but I'm not entirey in it either. I'm going to share here about my struggle, through poetry and prose.
I'm also going to do a "walkabout" this summer, and take photos of the bay area which I will display here on this site as well.

Please come back often and see what new things I've added.

My Front Porch

Poetry-the sitting room

Essay-the reading room

Photo-the den

Masculine Women, Feminine Men
-a song, circa 1920

Masculine women, feminine men
Which is the rooster, which is the hen?
It's hard to tell them apart today, that way
Sister is busy learning to shave
Brother just got a permanent wave
It's hard to tell them apart today, hey-hey
Girls were girls and boys were boys when I was a tot.
Now we don't know who is who or even what's what.
Knickers and trousers, baggy and wide,
Nobody knows who's walking inside --
Those masculine women and feminine men.

Reality Check


Coming Out: Realizing bisexuality in a straight world
Religious Tolerance.org: Homosexuality and Bisexuality
Being Me, My Bisexuality, My life
BiFem.net: The Online Community for Women

LGBT Christians
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