Matt Burns' Home Page
Matt Burns' Home Page

Welcome to my ever-changing world!

Hey All!

Several years ago, I created this page so that others could see and hear my story. It was supposed to be "an honest little corner of the internet." I hope that I have been true to that effort, and those of you who have stopped by for a few moments have enjoyed your visit.

Keep the visits coming (as well as your comments and suggestions), and I'll try to keep adding to my "honest little corner!"

I am a 37-year old college administrator at the University of Hartford in Hartford, Connecticut. I have two wonderful children, William and Sarah, 7 and 8 years old, respectively. I also have a wonderful family who live in Rochester, New York, and whom I think of often and fondly.

My life has been filled with the challenges, rewards, and disappointments of a man who was once married and then divorced for the reason of pursuing life as a gay man. The fact that I have two children has brought both complications and joys to my life. As I grow in my understanding of myself and of the world as it applies to homosexuality, I am increasingly frustrated by the lack of tolerance (much less acceptance) of this difference in society, but, at the same time, I am motivated by certain individuals I have met who manage to maintain a sense of dignity and perseverance through it all.

I've recently updated the page with some new links and information.If you're interested, check out more information about me and my experiences by clicking on the links below. It is my firm belief that each of us is responsible in whatever small ways we can to make the world a less hateful, more peaceful place. Perhaps an honest little gay corner of the internet is as good a place to start as any!

Please keep checking, I hope you will come to find this site interesting, entertaining, insightful, and helpful!

I've placed some sites below which I have found to be interesting and/or helpful, and I'm always looking for some sites which are fun, especially if they contain gay humor or information about gay parenting. Check back soon for more information.


A Picture of Me (for the curious!) About Me Frequently Asked Questions
On Sex and Relationships You Are Entitled to My Opinions "Straight-Up" Questions for Heterosexuals

General Information about Homosexuality Regional Gay Resources Gay Parenting Resources
HIV/AIDS Information Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective Gay Resources in Connecticut

Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition, International

Take care!

E-mail me below with any thoughts and/or suggestions!

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