It's well worldwide established that the women health is one of principal parameters to evaluate the public health in some population. Starting from this fact, the present work gets data that shows a women health diagnosis in Ilha Rasa. In despite of being just a small part of the city habitants, about 500, the impressions got from there can be extended to all habitants of the city, with some safeguard.
The continent communities reality don't seem to be different from estuary communities, even that the continent life conditions is better than the estuary, but it wasn't take information that could corroborate this hypothesis. What really happen are the inexistence of health education programs and also the spreading of the existing programs, just like prenatal, breast-feeding and gynecologic cancer prevention. All these results in the reality exposed in this work. So, it's important to emphasize that the developed activities of beginning taking the women's attention to their own health made that they looked for their specific services.
The active looking for showed an efficient way to integrate the women to their programs, once that all pregnant women in Ilha Rasa were integrated to prenatal and were collected all possible rubbing samples to uterus cancer prevention.
The chat reunions are an efficient way to promote the health education in a community. The interactive method respects the individuality of the population constructing and remodeling the knowledge through their own livings. The expositive method doesn't seem to be a good way because it mischaracterizes their daily life, once that the great part of them didn't have a school living practice.
Considering the health agents program and communitarian agents as some of solutions to health in developing countries, so the active looking for as interactive chat reunions could be done by trained health agents themselves in each one of their communities. They are the bridge between the doctor and community, once the doctor formation is based specializing in great city centers, not giving importance to rural working.
Related to that specific objective of getting the gynecologic cancer risks, it could be said that the women of Ilha Rasa have an increased risk because their bad hygiene conditions, their precocity in beginning of having sexual activity and first pregnancy, in despite of high rates of vaginal deliveries. There is a group with higher risk because they have any STDs (11.47% with cytological changes and 48.38% with purulent vaginal secretion).
At least, it can be perceived many difficulties in implanting the health actions in Guaraqueçaba City. The local politic itself is not sufficiently prepared to take initiatives in health education and prevention, because its principal activity is request attending, that is to say, curative medicine. It's included here all the difficulties faced by the city, like the missing of diagnostic resources quality, transport, and insufficient number of doctors, missing of health professionals conscientious about communitarian health.
The main objective of this work was reached since there was a considerable effort of a part of community, politics and health professionals about the health care, through the group livings, that shone results, passed proposals to them and criticisms to the improve the life condition of the population.