The data about school knowledge show that is an important education deficit in the island. The fact of some women has some school knowledge and, likewise, is illiterate shows a quality education deficit. Otherwise, this fact can be associated to the poor use of reading in the island, once that the women stay with more domestic works or around the island, when men have the responsibility of going to bigger cities to commerce.
Related to gynecologic cancer, likewise the great part of women begun sexual activities before 20 years old (table 4), data shows that 5.37% of them have more increased risks because they have purulent genital secretions, more than one sexual partner and first pregnancy before 20 years old. It's worthwhile to remember that about 11% of them had evidences of STDs in the cytology samples.
The family planning also has an important deficit of information, once that just a little less than the half of women (45%) use hormonal oral contraceptive. Another data that shows the disinformation is the high rate of interrupted sexual act (10.60%) and the rate of women that uses no contraceptive method (53.03%). This can explain the high rate of total fertility (8.61 sons per woman in menopause), higher than Brazilian and Paraná State rates that are between 2.5 and 2.7.
The fact of 50% of pregnant women was out from prenatal program and, from the total of pregnancies, great part were not integrated to it, shows that the prenatal program maybe is not adapted to the reality of the island, maybe even to all city. This active looking for showed its efficiency when 100% of pregnant women were integrated to the prenatal program at the end of this work. The rates of abortion (19) and fetal deaths (15) also show this prenatal program deficit and the women health programs in all. The qualitative data about in what situations these abortions and fetal deaths happened weren't possible to get because the women didn't confide us this, so the analysis was damaged.
Beyond this, the increased number of hospital deliveries occurring in younger age zones can show that service health quality improved in comparing with the existents in the past. In despite this, domiciliary deliveries still happen.