The health education was made through weekly reunions using an interactive method, when the women constructed the knowledge from their own experiences, learning and clarifying wrong concepts. They chose themselves the subject of the reunions according of their interests. Some Child's Pastoral panels were used, once there was no other educative material available, beyond there's no electric energy on the island.

      The reunions were made in the waiting room of the health post during the consults, using this strategy to best affect the population.

      The objective data was taken with the help of a question form (annex), which was filled in interviews with each one of the women, inside their homes. The question form was made based in a subsidy given by the Heath Ministry.

      The material for collecting of rubbing samples was given by NIS-I in Guaraqueçaba City, being this collect made in a stretcher with the help of a flashlight. The exams were sent to only one anatompatologic lab in Curitiba City.

      The material for gynecologic examination and the medicines were given by the NIS-I of the city.