There were realized seven chat reunions during the eleven weeks of the traineeship related to the followed subjects:
Relative to the attempting to the women to the chat reunions, there was a significant increase rate with the pass of the work, as shown in table 1.
Ilha Rasa | Almeida | Ponta do Lanço | ||
1º | 0 | 9 | 0 | 9 |
2º | ? | ? | ? | 15 |
3º | 2 | 4 | 0 | 6 |
4º | 8 | 4 | 1 | 13 |
5º | 6 | 26 | 0 | 32 |
6º | 0 | 12 | 1 | 13 |
7º | 0 | 8* | 0 | 8 |
The question forms analysis reveled that there are 93 women older than 13 years old, which 28 reside in Ilha Rasa, 53 in Almeida and 11 in Ponta do Lanço. 75 women are in fertile age and 18 in menopause period. The age mean is 31.8±16.1 years old and table 2 represents the age zone distribution.
Age Zone (years old) | Number of Women |
10 to 15 | 6 |
16 to 20 | 17 |
21 to 30 | 21 |
31 to 40 | 13 |
41 to 50 | 12 |
Older than 51 | 11 |
Among the 76 women that have any school knowledge, this was not over primary. There are 17 illiterate women. The school knowledge in the age zone distribution (table 3) shows that these illiterate women have more elevated ages. A qualitative data it can be perceived is that many women, in despite of having any school knowledge, were illiterate.
The gynecologic cancer (breast and uterus) was availed through the presence or not of STDs, age of beginning of sexual activities, number of sexual partners, vaginal deliveries, number of sex relations at week, hygiene, smoking and hormonal oral contraceptive use.
Related to STDs, 48.38% of women confirmed vaginal purulent secretions in the moment of interview. This fact doesn't make the STDs presence or not, but it gives an idea of its prevalence.
From the total of women, 66 (70.97%) are sexually active.
The age of beginning of the sexual activity was earlier in older women, as can show the table 4.
The great part of women related just one sexual partner, but there is a significant quantity of women that had more than one partner, as shown in table 5.
The mean of vaginal deliveries by woman is 3.5.
The mean of sexual relations at week was 3.42±2.4.
Related to the increased risk to uterus cervix cancer, from the 93 women, 30 (32.26%) had sexual activity begin before 20 years old, more than 1 vaginal delivery, the first pregnancy before 20 years old and vaginal purulent secretion present; 5 of them (5,37%) had these factors and STDs evidenced in the cytology (Gardnerella vaginalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Human Papilomavirus infection). One woman had all these factors and the two first cited germs simultaneously.
The hygiene conditions are failing because, principally, the miss of treated water in Ilha Rasa, making difficult the baths, that are taken using a basin. These data are culturally difficult to be taken because the shame the women fell related to their hygiene conditions, comparing their standards with that they imagine the doctor have.
Related to smoke, only 9,7% of women do it. The mean of smoking time is 29.5±19.3 years, with the rage 21.4 years. They smoke predominating straw cigarettes and pipes.
The use o contraceptives are very common (also see table 6). Adding the actual to the past, all women made use of this method.
The mean of past use is 4.3±4.3 years. The correct use in the past is 54.39%. The actual use mean is 3.35±4.3 years and the correct use is 56.59%. There is no significant difference between the correct use rate in the past and actual.
Related to family planning, the great part of women doesn't use any contraceptive method. The best used was the hormonal oral contraceptive and tubarian interruption. Curiously, the third most used contraceptive method was the interrupted sexual act.
Related to prenatal program, from the 93 women 64 were pregnant, in a total rate of 379 pregnancies, which 229 (60,42%) were not campaigned to prenatal program. From the total of pregnancies, there were 19 miscarriages and 15 fetal deaths.
The number of life sons per woman is 3.71 and the number of pregnancies per woman is 4.07. The total fertility rate is 8.61.
The age of the first pregnancy is 17.53±2.67 years old (table 7).
The table 8 shows the frequencies of domiciliary and hospital deliveries distributed in the age zones.
It was collected 61 rubbing samples to uterus cervix cytology exam. It was not collected samples from virgins (16 women) and from those didn't want to do the exam (16), women over 5 months of pregnant time (4) because the bad technical conditions.
The result of the samples shows that 29 women (47.5%) had discreet inflammation, 28 (45.90%) have moderate inflammation, 32 (52.46%) with presence of flake methaplasy and 21± (34.43%) with presence of mist bacterial flora. 2 of the collected samples had compatible changes with Human Papilomavirus infection, 5 (8.20%) with Gardnerella vaginalis and one (1.07%) with Trichomonas vaginalis, totaling 7 (11.7%) with STDs compatible changes (remembering that there was one women with both Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis infection).