Cindi Louise
This is my first crack at a web site (you can probably tell). But bear with me
it will be constantly changing as my moods and time allow.
My Thoughts have begun to slip out.
Well, here I am. You may wonder what this is all about. It is simply
an expression of another side of me. I can't explain it, but this has been
here for as long as I can remember. For that matter it is not really
"another side," it is me. I am one and comfortable with myself. I will
admit it took many years to accept what society may never fully accept
and/or comprehend. It seems that we live in a society that needs to have
things defined, labeled and kept neatly in their place. When anyone
deviates (oops that word) from the accepted norm for the current society,
all kinds of "well meaning" citizens step up to get that deviate back in line.
I have no idea where this is going.