One of my favorite hobbies is singing. We have performed at numerous nite clubs and private parties singing mostly Patsy cline and classic country western tunes. I have included "Faded Love" and some others for your listening pleasure. Others will be added in my 'spare' time. You must have 'Real Player' program or others that will handle '.rm' files. These are rather a long files so it may take a while to load. Click on Songs to listen.
In addition to my musical background, I also enjoy playing the piano and have played trumpet, clarinet, guitar and accordian in the past. I enjoy listening to most music excect heavy metal and c'RAP'. Then again, I don't think I can classify the last two as 'music'.
We have recently burned our first CD and is forwarded on to an interested recording company. Jay Leno here we come!! (wishfull thinking...)
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