Additional verses for the tune of 'O Master Let Me Walk With Thee.' 

All verses c D Bell 2002.


Verse:  Based on Luke 21:1.


A woman once dropped two small coins

Into the Temple treasury.

Jesus said, "She's done more than the rest.

They ga-ve some, but her gift was best."


Verse:  Based on Luke 17:11.


Ten lepers came to Christ one day

"Have pity on us, Lord," they did say.

Jesus said, "Show yourselves to the priests."

In faith they went -- were healed on the way.


Verse:  Based on Luke 8:26.


A man with demons came one day

"Legion's my name," the demons did say.

"Don't torture us, our time is not yet."

They entered pigs, and caused great regret.


"May I go with you?" was his plea.

Jesus said, "No, but do this for me.

Go tell to others what God has done.

Your suffering's gone, a victory won."


Verse:  Based on Luke 8:43.


She reached out and touched the Lord

With faith and trust that she would be healed.

Instantly, she felt healing within.

With joy before the Savior she kneeled.


"Lord, I've been sick these twelve long years.

No one could help me," she said in tears.

"Your faith has saved you," Christ said to her.

"In peace, go now, whole as you once were."


Verse:  Based on Luke 11:1.


Our Cre-a-tor, who art in heaven.

Hallowed and honored be Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done

On earth as it is done in hea-ven.


Give us this day, our daily bread.

And forgive us as we forgive others.

May we not stray in-to temp-ta-tion.

And keep us from the e--vil one.


Thine is the kingdom, pow'r, glo-ry.

For ever and ever and ever-more.

Amen. Al-le-lu-ia. Amen.

Amen. Al-le-lu-ia. Amen.


Verse: Based on Luke 13:10.


There was a woman wor-ship-ing.

Honoring God, yet suf-fer-ing.

She could not stand straight, no use to try.

No use to hope for, no use to cry.


Jesus said, "Woman, you are free

Of this demeaning infirmity."

She then stood up and cried joyfully,

"Praise God! A miracle for me!"