BD Primer
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A Bondage Primer

Not everybody is getting it yet - the mesage about bondage! It happens. Let's try to make sure everyone gets started on an even keel though. To that end here is my contribution;
a bondage primer!

Here's a look at an adult subject in a child-like way. Remeber all those old stories and such that you heard as a kid? Maybe what they really meant was......

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
When they both came down,
Jack fumbling roun'
and Jill came hobbling after.
Again, Jack chases Jill. i bet the reason she's hobbeling back down that hill isn't just because he has her in irons... y'know?

Twinkle, twinkle little key,
...where ever you may be...
Sounds to me like someone lost the key to their handcuffs....

Young Jack Hornier sat in a corner eating his plum pie.
Jill sat alone too, because she had never met poor Jack.
If he had only come to her house ...
Some Kid's stories are sad. This one sounds like Jack and Jill needed to get out more.

Violets are red,
Roses are blue,
Alone means nothing to do.
Again, someone's not getting out enough....

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick.
But not too quick!
Or Jill will get over your candlestick!

See? Even as kids you guys should know to have a "slow hand!"

He never got any friends that way....
Just like everything else, in bondage don't be a meany, or selfish.
Let's all play together nice now....

Little Miss Jillet
sat on a strumpet,
eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider
and sat down beside her
and scared poor Miss Jillet away...
If that spider had been nicer maybe she would have shared her strumpet...

Petter, Petter, pumkin eater...
i refuse to comment about this one on the grounds it may incriminate me, giggle....

shevette's homepage!

So take a look at how you see Bondage and enjoy some tonight!
Be a kid again!
Enjoy the freedom that only comes with bondage!


Yeah, yeah, yeah, forgive the puns. This was only meant to be for fun. Actually i feel like i may have gone overboard being naughty. Forgive me if i have offended anyone. i may have come across as being something of a tart. Actually it made me feel like a kid again, doing this. Rotten little girl wasn't i?

Tell you what, you try it. Send in any parodies you'd care to and i'll post the best ones, ok? You're it! Giggle

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