
Letters of the puzzle

'Tis a letter!
Yes, bondage is a puzzlement and this is a letter!

Dear Shevette,

I found your site through the link in Red's Realm, so blow him a kiss. I was lured to your site by your delightful art. I love the way you're able to communicate the love you have for bondage through your art, as well as the fun you seem to be having. It does a person good. Once here, I found your site entertaining in the extreme and your philosophy...well...

It is always gratifying to find someone who shares my views and philosophy on the positive aspects of bondage. It's even more gratifying when that someone turns out to be a woman. I've gone through the same process you have to reach this spot in my life. My earliest memory of a positive reaction to bondage was when I was four; I went through the "am I weird" stage, the "guilt and paranoia" phase, etc. Now I realize that it's part of me and the people who think it strange and unacceptable are the ones who are missing out. Part of what helped me reach that stage was finding out others felt the same way I do, that you can enjoy tieing someone up without humiliating them ('less they want that) and you can enjoy the singular sensation of being tightly trussed and gagged without being into pain.

As yet, I haven't found a partner who has been able to get past the prejudice about bondage, of thinking that allowing it will somehow demean them or that my liking it makes me akin to a serial killer. I'm glad you seem to have found someone who has. I hope your master appreciates what you've given him, because ladies like you are hard to come by.

The attachment I've sent is a gift to you, because I draw a little myself. Do with it whatever you like, but please accept it in the spirit given; I'm just paying back some of the joy your site has given me.


'This is the picture he sent me!

Now, do i get the nicest mail on the net or what?

Dear Sir BK99 [name maimed]

Thank you for all your kind words. It makes me very happy to think that my work is appreciated. Actually it's a labor of love. The more we have people standing up and saying, "Hey! I like bondage!" the more the myth is going to fade. Bondage is a good thing and those who will not open their eyes to see what we are really talking about are the ones who suffer the most. i don't want anyone to suffer either because they are afraid to look or because they are afraid to be seen.

i absolutely LOVE the pic you did! Fantastic! This has got to go up on the net right away! People are going to want to see more of your art! Please, either send more or instructions on where we can all find more like this. If you don't have a site yet then consider this an open invitation to send as much of this as you'd like! Great stuff!


This is about bondage.

If i could bottle it and sell it i'd be a rich slave!

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Bondage 'tis a puzzlement!
i know!

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