A message to you all... Write U/us, Please...

Can we help you?
Can you help us?
Can we help each other?

Do you have information you think we need?
Then tell us about it, we want to learn and to share...

Tomi Ma'am

Tomi Ma'am has experiance in consuluing in real life. She's been a part of the bondage scene for years and has a gentle kind way about her that demands respect, the kind that is a pleasure to give.

Write her at


While i don't have all the answers i do care about people and i am willing to share what i have learned both from mistakes and happy triumphs.

Write me at

My hands are tied...
NOTE: Any email sent to us is accepted as something we may post on the site. We will attempt to hide all names, dates, and places - but the final reasponsability of maintaining your ability to be anonymous is yours.
(A bitter lesson i have just learned - i will do my best to help protect your identity - if you include anything in an email that you do not want posted then please point out the parts you feel uncomfortable revealing to the public, ok?)

NOTE: Tomi Ma'am has expressed an interest in having a portion of the site devoted to Personals. We are not sure how to do this yet, but if you want to make contact with others send in your honest, sincere, and short ad, it may be included in a future posting!

A message to you all... Thanks!!!
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Tomi Ma'am meets shevette!

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