The Puzzle

The Notebook Bruce (a sad story) Charlotte A Child Dream Lover Frank & Gary Integration A Married Man No Answer Romeo O' Romeo Same-sex Soul-mate?

The Poems

5 o'clock alone
I Loved My Brother
I'm Hear
Out of The Closet
Soul Mate
Shooting Star
The Knife

En français

Étoile Filante
Sur le Pont
L'Année Miroir
Le Vol (Le Jeune Amant)
Le Couteau


Ren*: A Search for Light. A la recherche de la lumi*re

numindan'sI cried into the void
A picture answered my call
The picture bathed in the solution
It developed
The lens turned
The image came into focus

I swam to the depths of the ocean
In its depth I found a grain of sand
The sand became a pearl
I carried the pearl to the sky
In the light of day, I held it up as an offering

My offering was accepted
My pearl became a star
A beacon in the night

The purpose of this spot is to share my personal experiences on a non-denominational journey towards the Light -- my search for my place in this world and in this universe.

I came to feel recently that it is important for me to share with others in what I perceive to be a uniquely difficult circumstance. If Light and Love are for all, if we all share in the creation, then how do I integrate apparently contradictory facets of my being?

Where does a soul go for guidance when the self-proclaimed guardians of the Light reject an important element of what I am? I went inside to find the universal consciousness. I asked my questions there. I received answers and great gifts.


The Notebook is a running diary/diarrhea, divided and linked to individual tales and experiences from an unusual life -- mine. Here you'll find biographical details, explanations, footnotes, philosophical ramblings and whatever...

The Poems are not the romantic "hearts & flowers" type. They come from various places of intuition, inspiration, pain and understanding.

The navigational tools here will improve with time. Much of this material is being worked into a novel.

I'm also working on an experimental medium -- the container of the content -- how it is presented. I mention this because you can watch it evolve as it takes shape. The material is growing and changing and so is the shape of the site.

The Puzzle would be a good place to start.

There are no naked persons pictured here!

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