Welcome to BeeBee's House

My own Crossdressers Paradise

A little bit about me

Like most crossdresser or transvestites, I started as a y oungster wearing mummies things. Got married, 30 years ago, dressed occasionally but until the net came along never took myself seriously. Thanks to contacts on the net and IRC, I'm now coming out and start really enjoying my real self.

My special friends

I'd like to give a big hug and a very big thankyou to all those girls who have helped me on my journey to my real self, especially Helen-J, Emma and Francesca at the Northern Concord Club, many thanks to you all.

And looking to the future

Sorry, no pictures as yet, although I hope that will change soon. Thankyou for your interest.

Links to other sites on the Web

Helens Home Page
Northern Concord Club Home Page
Bras Direct - Because I like them

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