I am Latino
I was born on November 1975 zodiac: Scorpio
I'm 5 feet 9 inches tall and weigh 210 pounds.
My skin color is light brown. My hair and eyes are dark brown
I dress conservatively with button up shirts. I like to wear jeans
I'm not too fond of slacks.
I used to have one pierced ear but I no longer wear it, it lost its' purpose.
I was born and raised in Laredo, Texas.
On September 1, 2003 I moved to Tyler, Texas.
Tyler is in the Bible Belt mostly Baptists and is a dry county.
In late March 30, 2005 I was moved to Houston.
I work with multiple hospital systems.


He is Latino
He was born on January 1979 zodiac: Aquarius
He is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weigh 150 pounds.
His skin color is light brown. His hair and eyes are dark brown
He dresses conservatively with button up shirts.
He's not too fond of slacks.
He used to have one pierced ear but I no longer wear it, it lost its' purpose.
He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas.
On September 1, 2003 I moved to Tyler, Texas.
Tyler is in the Bible Belt mostly Baptists and is a dry county.
In late March 30, 2005 I was moved to Houston.