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Gotta get off, gonna get, have to get off of this ride
Gotta get hold, gonna get, need to get hold of my pride.
When did I get, where did I, how was I caught in this game?
When will I know, where will I, How will I think of my name?

When did I stop feeling sure, feeling safe and start wondering why?
Is this a dream? am I here? where are you?
What's in back of the sky?
Why do we cry?

Gotta get off, gonna get, off of this merry-go-round
Gotta get on, gonna get, need to get on where I'm bound.
When did I get, where did I, Why am I lost as a lamb?
When will I know, where will I, How will I learn who I am?

Is this a dream? am I here? where are you?
Tell me, When will I know, how will I know
When will I know why?

-from Valley of the Dolls

So here you are. How about signing my guestbook before you leave?
Sign Guestbook
I'm Lili. I'm a professional musician and musicologist. I like midnight, sunshine, summertime, springtime, Italian food, and Blues and Soul music.

I don't like intolerance, racism, getting up in the morning, winter, and New Age music.

See £iliLand!

BTW, I am NOT interested in getting hit on by men.


Email me here.

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