The Write Stuff

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For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Forgive and you shall be forgiven.
All who call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.

Who Are You?

Why does it matter to you who I am?
Why do you care how I dress?
How is it your business what person I love
when Jesus' name I confess?

Am I not human? Have I not a soul?
Am I worth nothing at all?
What makes you think that you have the right
to condemn me and cause me to fall?

How is it that I am more sinful than you?
How is it that your sins don't count?
Where does it say that your soul is more pure
if your sins are a lesser amount?

Who made you God? Who made you Jesus?
Who died on the cross? Was it you?
When Jesus said "All who believe in me"
did he really mean only a few?

Where is the love of God in your life?
Where does the hate come from?
Who is the "sinner" that He came to save
and make clean when His kingdom come?

God is my Father and Jesus my savior
you are my sister and brother.
The greatest command is first to love God
and second to love one another.

Joey leJocre

Always Home

You come to me when I least expect it
you whisper to my heart,
you tell me truths and reveal your love
at times when I feel unworthy.
Through the darkness your love glows
when I am feeling lost,
trapped beneath the vastness of life
I stare in awe of your power.
You lead me to where you want me to go
on paths that I do not know,
but when I get there I find I am home
for there you are inside my heart.
To love you more than anything else
to think of you night and day,
to put you always before myself
is to walk in spiritual love.
Sometimes I am weak and selfish
but you are always forgiving,
you understand me like no one else
even better than I know myself.
How could I have been so blind not to see
the answer to all my prayers,
is that your love is greater and truer than
the kind I've been asking for.
Each step that I take leads towards you
even when I stumble and fall,
for that is when you take me up in your arms
and set me on the path once more.
Always you are there for me
always in my heart
always loving
always patient
always leading me home.

Joey leJocre
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