

Page Two

Updated Jan 2004.

June 1998...In the summer of 1997, I found a group in central Florida and called the number listed for information. When a deep male voice answered I thought I had a wrong number and hung up. At that moment I wasn't ready to confide in someone I didn't know. Frankly I didn't intend to confide in someone I did know either, except for my SO. After a couple of weeks, my courage built up enough to try the number again. The same male voice answered but I charged ahead with my questions and as it turned out "Alice" was very helpful with answering my questions and invited me to join the group, which is the Phi Epsilon Mu (FEM)chapter of Tri Ess. I eventually did join and looked forward to attending my first meeting.

Finally after a number of months, my opportunity to attend a meeting (Dec 1997) came up and I made the trip. It was so exciting to get dressed and ready that I was practically shaking. I found the site of the meeting and walked in to the suite. When I first arrived I looked around and saw all these people, some looked like women and some looked like men in women's clothes and I thought this was pretty weird. However, everyone was friendly and I loosened up and eventually found that I was really enjoying myself. The group turned out to be a bunch of people who had similar feelings as myself and had found a way to express it in a safe and caring environment.

After a pot luck dinner and informal meeting of sorts, there was time for a lot of girl talk. Later in the evening I followed a group of the girls as we attended a gender friendly club with a great floor show and then an early morning (2:00AM) breakfast at the IHOP. I topped the evening by shopping at the open all night Walmart.

Joannie and some new friends!

Febuary 1999 Update

My first support group meeting (Dec '97) was really great fun and was such an ego and confidence builder for me. It was great to meet so many wonderful people who share a similar persona. Unfortunately my schedule does not allow me the opportunity to attend these meetings on a monthly basis but I go when I can.

I went to the the Febuary 1999 meeting, it was my fourth time I made the gathering. This time I attended the Friday night get together for the first time which involves drinks and dinner at a nice hotel restuarant. The staff there knows our crowd so it makes for a safe and enjoyable evening and a great excuse for dressing up.

I met many new girls at Febuary's meeting. This group is getting popular and thanks to the web, the word is getting out. It's amazing how many TG girls are out there and how wonderful it is to be able to share experiences with other real people who share the feeling.

Of course the most fun is going out in public. I have been out with some of the girls after the meetings a couple of times and it is a riot. But I really like going out shopping. So far I've only been out shopping at night at department stores but it is very gratifying to be able to shop and try on ladies clothes and shoes and browse through the make up department as a woman! Let's face it, what's the point of getting dressed with no place to go and if the illusion is successful, so much the better.

...So where do I go from here? Well I certainly want to improve the look and get out more often. You know what that means, more shopping.

March 14, 1999...I've been so busy since the Feb support group meeting that I haven't had much of a chance to dress, much less get out. However, I just received two new wigs in the mail that I ordered from Paula Young Wigs. I highly recommend Paula Young Wigs, they are good quality, service is prompt and the prices are very reasonable. Anyway, I took a few hours today to try them on with several changes of clothes and the camera set on automatic. Should get these back in about a week, so look for some new photos soon...

June 3, 1999

So much for getting back in a week or so. Actually I have been fairly active since March, at least for me. I made the April weekend support group meeting and on a differnt weekend I went out in another city while I was on the road for business. Both times I went to a local mall and to a movie! I am really enjoying spreading my wings a little bit by getting out on my own and just doing some girl things. Would be nice to have a friend to shop with though. Maybe someday my wife will...

As much as I like attending the support group weekends and after meeting outings, our group does tend to stick out in public. It's fun but sometimes embarrasing. But I have learned alot about acceptance and tolerance by going out with them.

After having done this cross dressing thing for about two years now, I have discovered many interesting things about the subject and that CDs come in all shapes, sizes, ages and stages. I have also discovered that I am most comfortable by occasionally dressing to look as passable as I can. I am not looking to make men dressing as women acceptable but to step into the world as a women and allow my feminine side to express itself.

Anyway, I have taken several rolls of pictures the past few months but I am really disapointed in the results. Wigs and clothes that don't fit right and poor quality photos, but that's reality. I have got a few nice shots so look for them on this update in the new photo page.

Jan 13th, 2000... Wow, I can't believe it's been over six months since I last updated. Wish I could say I get out all the time now but there never seems to be enough time. When I do get out though, I get more and more confidence in myself with just blending in. I've discovered the casual jeans look and I love it. Jeans can really look great with the right top and of course shoes! The last time I was out,I went window shopping not really looking to buy anything. I was browsing through the Payless Shoe Store, (don't you just love trying on new shoes!), and found a couple of pairs of heeled sandles that I just had to have. Can't wait to wear them on an outing. Perhaps at the next TriEss meeting in Febuary (2000). December's meeting was a lot of fun with the Christas party. I love the cooler winter weather here in FLorida, I'm less likly to melt from the otherwise warm temps and humidity. Look for a few new pictures with this update...

Joannie with her good TriEss friend Cathy

February 2001...I can't believe it has been three years since I started this website and over a year since I have updated it. There really never is enough time to get all the things done that we want to do, especially like dressing for a night on the town. Alas, this past year has been filled with so many personal commitments that it has been impossible to enjoy dressing up near as much as I would like. I hope to resolve that somewhat this year. I found a new CD/TG website called Enfemme.org that I have enjoyed visiting and becoming a part of this year. It is well laid out with links to many CD/TG sites. You can even preview what the site is, before linking to it. I am still enjoying my visits with my Tri-Ess group and just lately have attended a couple of musical presentations at the local college theatre. So things are looking up for getting out more this year. Hope you enjoy the new pictures I've added with this update.

June 2001...So much for getting out more. Job and family obligations have kept me busy and now the Florida summer heat is here. Not good for the make up. However, had a great time at the March, (my latest visit), Tri-Ess gathering in Orlando, including an interesting time at our Friday evening dinner get together when a gg girl, who was dinning alone, joined our table for some fun and enlightening conversation. Thanks Allison, wherever you are, for being such a great sport. It was fun.

December 2001...Was finally able to attend FEM meetings in October and December and had a great time. May 2002 be a year full of hope and peace for us all.

May 2002...Had some great outings in the fall and early winter. Discovered a real nice lounge with a band that some of us have been going to just to blend in with the straight crowd when we can and so far it has been great fun!

Jan 2004...Wow, almost two years since my last update! Wish I could say it has been a great couple of years enfemme, but due to circumstances I am lucky to get out three or four times a year. Not only that but my forty something years have become fifty something. Although life is generally good, I wish I could get out more. Look for a few updated photos this time. In the meantime, I try to improve my look each time I do get out and I do have fun.

Oct 2007...Hello world. I am still here. After three years I have finally come back to update. Can't believe how fast time flies. Still don't get out much. The summers are too hot. But cooler weather is near and I have plans!

See You Later!

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