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March 2005
 Oh my god, it's a worm!  Don't worry, it's not one you need to worry about.  
 Geetings my fellow travelers!  I would like to take this time to wish you all a most Happy Easter.
It's been a spectacular Spring here in Northern, California.  The wildflowers have been in abundance.
Frank & I have been watching our carb intake and have both lost a few pounds, put on over the winter ..ahem!  Maybe a few winters?  Anyway, we are doing very well with it.

On a sad note, we lost our little faithful friend and family member - Max - on New Years Eve 2004.  He was 18 years old.  Neither of us are quite sure if we want to go that route again - but I have been  keeping an eye open for a pup.  I phoned about some Toy Fox Terrier pups the other day.   We would like a Norwich Terrier actually. A "Toto" dog.

On Labor Day of 2004 we had a fire storm through our property.  We were caught unaware and barely made it out in time with the vehicles.  The neighbor behind us caused the fire using a weed-whacker machine.  At least that's his story.  The wind was perfect for burning a narrow path right through the property.  But it didn't stop there and crossed the road and on to burn a total of 180 acres.  Lots of beautiful trees destroyed.  The fruits of planting and landscaping over a 25 year period.  My giant redwood dead!  And, the rustic cabin I built without power tools in 1976 burned to the ground also.  Amazingly enough, the home was spared.  Thanks in part to a huge live oak tree that threw the firestorm around it.  Also some very brave firemen who happened along and dumped over 800 gallons of water on the north side of the house to keep it from going up.

I've been reading again.  Fiction novels.  I've been reading Nevada Barr novels.  Really enjoyed them.  Read most of them.  And I have read several books on the subject of Grizzly Bears.  Very interesting.  Never look one in the eye!  Real bears, that is.

Frank and I have now been partners in life for 26 years and counting.  It's hard to believe.  Where does the time go!  And it goes by fast.  So, you guys out there make the most of it while you can.

So I have a nice happy flower garden growing for Max.  Miss him something terrible.

You all play nice and safe and Have an enjoyable Springtime.  Drop me an email if you'd like.  I always enjoy hearing from you.

Safari  Charly

In Memory of Max who past from this life Dec 31, 2004  and will always be with us in our hearts.
Our Little Max Angle




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