Just so that everyone is clear the author/creator of the "Ryan's Rants"© (Ryan's Rantings© , Rant of the Week© ), any other opinion statement made on this website, art work on the "Art Page," creative work not owned by anyone else; all found on the website located at http://geocities.datacellar.net/WestHollywood/Village/7552 and http://geocities.datacellar.net/r_fea, and the name Ryan's Cyber Home© , is Ryan E. C. Fea and therefore the rights and ownership of these works are owned by him exclusively. The laws of Canada and the United States protect my right to this so I hope that this will be respected.
Any desire to copy or use any of these in part or whole must be done only with the expressed permission of Ryan E. C. Fea. I won't be inflexible or anything I just need to make sure that no one else copies my work or parts of it and makes a profit from it. It's my thoughts and work so I don't expect others to try to take credit for it.
To request permission please write to ryan_fea@hotmail.com
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