Hi all! I am Joyce Daisy and this is my web site!

I began dressing at about age 11 in the style of age 9 or 10 in the 1950's style. What I wore came from one of our storage boxes so that was most likly why. However, as I aged, my dressing desires didn't, and that is called dressing Transgenerationally.

NOW, for those who think that dressing LG has something to do with children, it DOESN'T. Dressing as an LG has to do with SELF IMAGE ONLY, it has NOTHING to do with others. I think it also has a bit to do with nostalgia. You remember the 50's and re-live it in this way. We would RATHER have NEW never-worn clothes and bright and cheery ones as well. That is why many LG's get their clothes at either a Square Dance shop or from someone who sews and can make theirs from a pattern.
To me however, what I call an LG dress, is somewhat like the dresses of long ago that women wore; about knee length or longer with a ruffle at the bottom.

In my opinion this page is "G" rated and is suitable for any age of crossdresser, transgendered or otherwise, or anyone who isn't a crossdresser either. However, if you are underage your parents may not want you to read on this page so ask them first.

If you are fine with all of that, then you should also know, I have moved! I have moved in fact to H E R E

Sorry for the inconvience but it had to be done