Lucy through the Looking Glass

A warm welcome from you hostess

Lucy Hamilton

Come in to my Wonderland

I will do my very best for you to enjoy your visit to

Lucy Hamilton's Wonderland

Updated on the 10th of December, 2002

With the grand opening of the new home of
Miss Lucy Hamilton
set up by my friend John Martin

Please come and visit me, and join my group

As you will find out inside, I'm a special Girl


But please, wait no more, come in and enjoy

my collection of more than 750 photos

Just caress me with your little mouse...

Please forgive the missing pictures, trying to redo the site after the 'loss' of a whole lot of pictures. Sorry. Visit my new site!


Flowers for Lucy

You are the  friend at my Front Door since 2nd March 1998

Flowers for Lucy

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I am Pretty TGirl number 86 Pretty TGirl Award Come and see me

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Lucy Hamilton.

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This site has been designed with love and care by my admirer John Martin

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