Lucy's Bio Page

Flowers for Lucy



What are little Girls made of?
"Sugar and Spice and all things nice”

Flowers for Lucy

     That was good enough for me. I didn't wait to hear about the alternative.
     As a 4 year old, I knew that what I really, really wanted to be was one of those nice, sugary and spicy things - a Girl!

     My lucky break came when I was 13 and sent to an all boys boarding school.
     At the end of the first term, each class did a short play: We did the mad hatter's tea party from “ALICE IN WONDERLAND” and guess who played Alice in a pretty blue dress with a white apron and stockings?

     Apparently I was a natural Girl because the next year I was chosen to play Juliet in a modern dress version of “ROMEO & JULIET”.
     It must have been obvious to both the costume mistress and my mother that I loved the role and the teenage Girl's clothes because they allowed me to keep the lovely short pink party dress over a white bouffant petticoat that I wore for the ball scene.

     Mama instinctively understood my femininity and not only allowed me to dress regularly at home, but also gave me the guidance with clothes, make-up and hair (but not boys!) that a mother naturally gives a daughter.
     Consequently my teenage years were wonderfully happy and uncomplicated.
     She is still Lucy's closest friend and supporter.

     My career (as a man) has taken me all over the world, but Lucy always goes too, so I have Girl-friends, Tranny-friends and Boyfriends of many nationalities.
     I live a full life as a woman, shopping for dresses, shoes, lingerie and make-up, going to the beautician and hairdressers, and visiting restaurants and clubs with friends.

Nice and Tight

Flowers for Lucy

I so enjoy being a Girl...

Waiting for John...

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