When I was a kid, I had my hair cut real short and told everyone I was a boy. Nowadays, I hate it when people think I'm a guy. The Ladies Room is one place where I should be able to have some sense of belonging, yet many a times, I've been accused of being male and in the wrong toilet. Duh! 

More recently, I started using wheelchair access toilets. At least these are unisex and I don't get rude stares.
Several years back, I was in line for the toilets at UA cinemas when the "gwei por" in front of me kept turning around and looking me up and down. She just couldn't resist telling me that it was the "ladies room". I told her "I may not have big tits but that doesn't mean I'm not a lady"...she was so embarrassed. 

Other times, it was just easier to say that even if I couldn't read, I clearly understood the sign on the door (they should have ones with wimmin wearing pants instead of triangular skirts). I've also asked if enquiring minds needed to see my tampon string or if I needed to go buy myself a bra to wear over my t-shirt. Don't you hate it when they scream? It's worse when they go back out to look at the door sign to make sure they're in the right place. Geez, makes me feel like a freak. 

My other-half and I were recently in Malaysia for a holiday and were confronted several times in the toilets. Once it was at MacDonald's when a staff member was sent in to tell us it was The Ladies. Another time, at a mall, the old lady who collected money for using the toilets (yep, you even have to pay for toilet paper!) refused to let us in. I couldn't hold it and went into the smelly Men's, while my other-half chucked a spaz and swore profusely. It was very funny. 

If I tried to look less "butch", that means growing my hair, wearing dangly earrings or maybe some lipstick? (eeeeeeeww), they'd just freak the same, thinking I was a male to female tranny (it's happened before). Besides, why should I try to look like something else other than my true self just to please the idiots around me. 

Meanwhile, I've been called a faggot and punched in the eye for looking like one. Well, what do you know...Men just don't get it either! Check out what Valerie Solanas had to say in her SCUM manifesto. Don't you just love extremists? 

There was a time at YY (gay bar in Hong Kong)when a GWM (a-la Village People leather pants and moustache) tried to pick me up.Poor sod thought I was a guy. He asked what my name was and when I told him, he insisted I gave my "real name"...he expected me to be a Johnny or Christopher. What a sorry Jerk!