Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among members of a social system (Rogers 1983 p.5). The essence of the diffusion process suggested by Rogers (1983) is communication-based, placing emphasis on the human interaction in which one person communicates a new idea or product to another person, thereby reducing any uncertainties about it and encouraging adoption. Past research on the diffusion of innovations show that the adoption rate of new products takes the form of a predictable, set pattern that when graphed, resembles an S-curve: a slow uptake by only a few, followed by a fast, steep increase as the product takes off. The curve flattens again when the market becomes saturated. The shape of the S curve varies depending on how fast the product is adopted: a curve that is initially very steep suggests rapid diffusion while a flatter, more gradual curve represents a slower diffusion rate. The diffusion of innovations is able to provide an explanation of how long it will take for new products to spread, how to speed up this process and the types of people that are more likely to adopt earlier than others. According to Straubhaar and LaRose (1995), this approach has proved to be "one of the most useful in describing how new technologies get accepted and used" (p39). However, a problem with the diffusion of innovations is that it ignores the fact that widespread adoption is not guaranteed; it is somewhat deterministic and does not provide any leeway for failure. In the past, optimistic forecasts for new communication media products and services have been easily found, but often wrong (Klopfenstein 1989). Schnaars (1989) suggests a rationale for such over-optimism, stating that "perhaps we should all like to think that the future will be very different from the present...that we are really moving ahead" (p117). Although virtual reality (VR) has been heralded to be the ultimate form of communication and the next step in technological progression, it could all be only a hype and totally immersive systems may not be possible for a long time. It is dangerous to apply the diffusion of innovations to new technology such as VR as much of it is still being refined in research labs. In fact, the ultimate form that these systems will take is yet to be completely developed, and forecast of VR’s growth can only be based pure speculation. Nevertheless, the application of diffusion theory can importantly describe the current state of VR adoption as well as provide a better understanding of the possible factors that will shorten the time required for the spread of these systems. The term "virtual reality" was coined by Jaron Lanier to refer to three-dimensional realities implemented with stereo viewing goggles and data gloves. Steuer (1992) shifts this emphasis from the hardware used to the human experience, defining VR as "a remote or artificially constructed environment in which one feels a sense of presence as a result of using a communication medium" (p75). Shapiro & McDonald (1992) describe VR as "no matter how the user moves or interacts, the user will not be able to determine whether his/her environment is real or virtual" (p212). This ideal, however, may never be possible, but it is what some strive for and can serve as a benchmark for researchers to work against. There are different types of VR systems that generate different environments, including Window On World (WoW) systems, augmented reality systems, and immersive systems which represents VR in its "ultimate" form (Isdale 1993). Totally immersive VR systems seem to be the goal of many researchers, that is, being able to create an environment and sense that the individual is totally cut off from 'ordinary' reality and its sensory cues (Mizrach 1996). The diffusion of immersive VR systems is only at its very early stages, and widespread adoption of these systems is not likely to occur for several more decades. Since the 1950s, VR has been employed by the US military to train pilots with the use of flight simulators. When VR systems were made commercially available in the late 80s, they were used mainly by scientists and technologists researching the technology. More recently, however, VR systems have shown much potential in the fields of entertainment, medicine, architecture and design. To date, the diffusion rate of VR systems has been very slow and one can expect its S curve to remain rather flat for still some time. In 1991, there were only 400 VR systems in the world (Rheingold 1991), but as of mid-1994, Pimental & Teixeira (1995) estimated about 1500 fully immersive VR systems that existed globally. As we head towards a new millenium, the environment is right for such advanced technology as home computers and networks are becoming ubiquitous. With the hype created by the mass media, there is already much awareness of VR; however, for these systems to reach critical mass and be used widely, the technology must be improved to provide a more immersive, networked environment without the side effects, and practical applications available at affordable prices. Pimental & Teixeira (1995) predict the VR industry to experience a period of rapid growth over the next 30-40 years, but in the near term, VR firms will continue to struggle to exist in a small but growing market. The factors that will most likely affect the diffusion of these systems
include 1) the form that VR will take, 2) the communication channels
and adopter networks, 3) more practical applications, 4) improved technology
and price, 5) reducing possible side effects, and 6) the cultural environment,
norms and policies. Advances in technology combined with a fall in
price and an increase in the number of useful applications will help make
VR systems more common. In addition, the availability of wider bandwidth
for global connection of these systems will encourage more adoption and
use. With more funding, perhaps from the government, further research into
improving the technology will be made possible.
Most diffusion research studies report that the mass media are important
in creating awareness-knowledge of innovations, particularly at the first
stages of the diffusion process (Rogers 1983). Personal computers was one
of the most widely advertised products in the US, however, Rogers (1986)
posits that the diffusion of home computers is "...overwhelmingly
a process of interpersonal networks" (p124). Once the knowledge stage is
reached, the next stage of innovation adoption is the persuasion stage
where early adopters influence later adopters to use VR. A satisfied owner
of an innovation will be more influential to friends and near-peers than
mass media messages which are too general to provide specific kinds of
reinforcement that individuals need to confirm their beliefs (about VR)
IV ADOPTER CATEGORIES AND VR APPLICATIONS According to Rogers (1983) interpersonal channels are more important
to late adopters who do not rely so much on mass media channels because
an existing bank of interpersonal knowledge has already accumulated in
their system by the time they decide to adopt. Individuals adopt new products
at different times, and their characteristics such as income, education,
socio-economic status and achievement motivation have been associated with
the rate of adoption (Tushman & Moore 1988). Rogers (1983) identifies
categories which classify the members of a social system, based on their
level of innovativeness, with a normal frequency distribution to approximate
the percentage of adopters included in each (see Figure A below).
Figure A. Adopter categorisation on the basis of adoption time
The five groups of adopters suggested by Rogers (1983) can be used to describe today’s and some of tomorrow’s users of VR systems. With reference to Figure A, the area to the left of the mean time, minus two standard deviations (SDs) is the first 2.5% of adopters, namely "the innovators". Innovators are typified to be more cosmopolite, venturesome, of higher income and education. They are always seeking to innovate or try out new things. According to Furnham (1994), these may be "innovation junkies" who go for anything new and different, irrespective of its usefulness, quality or design. Applied to those who have adopted VR systems, this category of users represents the US military which has been using flight simulators since the 50’s. Government agencies such as the military are well funded and possess the necessary resources to employ such an innovation. Those inventors and researchers who are involved in the development of VR systems also fall into this category. They may not be as socially-integrated but are important in communicating about VR systems and its development to others in their social network. The next 13.5% of users consists of "early adopters" who take little persuasion to be among the first to use VR. Early adopters of new media compared with later adopters have higher socio-economic status, are more cosmopolite and more likely to use mass media channels, have greater empathy, less dogmatic and more rational (Rogers 1986, p147). They are a more integrated part of the social system and are more likely to be opinion leaders than any other group (Rogers 1983). Potential adopters look to these trusted and respected opinion leaders to seek advice and information about the innovation. Opinion leaders, then, can either increase the adoption rate of VR because of their positive comments or they could also make negative comments about VR and slow down its adoption rate. With regards to VR systems, this category of early adopters/opinion leaders are comprised of the location-based entertainment , medicine, architecture and design industries. Many new technologies, as in the case of VR systems, are adopted and implemented sooner by organisations and not individuals. Entertainment products are currently the largest section of the VR market (Monnet 1995) and has been suggested to be the application that will bring VR into homes and to the masses (Bletter 1993, Biocca & Levy 1995, Hawkins 1995). As of mid 1994, it is estimated that about 1500 head-tracked, fully immersive VR systems exist in the world of which 60% of these are entertainment systems (Pimental & Teixeira 1995). Today, there are over 20 companies in the US alone that manufacture and market immersive VR entertainment systems (Feldberg 1996). Although current entertainment VR systems may still be crude, location-based VR arcades are beginning to surface and Hawkins (1995) believes that it is this market that will probably push the price down and make higher-end systems more affordable. However, Valente & Bardini (1995) suggest that if VR remains a gimmick
of video game makers in the next decade, VR adoption will remain only a
toy, therefore, more practical applications will increase VR’s rate of
In the medical field, surgeons can use VR to practice difficult operations without touching an actual patient. The doctors at Georgia Institute of Technology medical college perform virtual eye surgery to seeing how it "feels" to cut into eye tissue with a scalpel and remove a lens (Kist1996 p27). VR has also been used as cost effective therapy. The National Institute of Health, the US Army and Boeing Computer services are funding a study where a virtual helicopter is used to help those with a fear of flying (Sieder 1996). Two applications that were named product of the year in 1995 by CyberEdge Journal involved the use of VR as a teaching tool for autistic kids and the Starbright World Virtual Playground which gives hospitalised kids in five different hospitals and cities a chance to play games, and communicate with each other in a shared virtual world (CyberEdge Journal 1995). Immersive VR is also being used in large scale consumer product design. Mercedes-Benz uses simulators that bounce the car around as if it were on the road (Bletter 1993) while fashion designers can discuss ideas with buyers wearing HMDs and gloves to get a more realistic view of the proposed design, and by issuing voice instructions, can make the model raise leg or arm, or move around (Condon 1996). VR remains a powerful tool for the US space program. In 1995, astronaut Bernard Harris used VR training to prepare for his space walk which enabled practice of every aspect of the walk and a feel for what space would be like prior to the actual event (Nellis 1996). To date, VR systems have only been adopted by those categorised as "innovators"
and "early adopters". From an optimistic view, the estimated
number of VR systems being used to date is far from representing 16% of
total innovators and early adopters. As more businesses and institutes
adopt VR systems, the number of users will continue to increase among the
"early adopter" category. It can be hypothesised, then, that an "early
majority" of users will make up the critical mass which will not be reached
until better improved technology with wider bandwidth for global VR networking
are made available.
CRITICAL MASS AND BANDWIDTH According to Markus (1987), a critical mass of adopters of an interactive
medium is necessary for the utility of the innovation to be sufficient
for an individual to adopt. It is "a measure of the minimum number of participants
needed to sustain a diffusion process" (Valente 1995 p79). In addition,
the higher the number of people the system supports, the more likely VR
will be adopted and used by both institutions and homes (Biocca & Delaney
1995). The diffusion of interactive VR systems, then, depends on a critical
mass of users for this innovation to "take off". This critical mass of
users can be described by the "early majority" which will comprise 34%
of total VR adopters. According to Rogers (1983), these people are more
deliberate and somewhat cautious for sometime before completely adopting
a new product. This category is suited to describe businesses which are
likely to adopt VR after teleconferencing applications are made available.
The first households that adopt VR, perhaps for entertainment purposes,
will also fall into this category of users. The point where VR will "take
off", then, can be hypothesised to happen anywhere between 16% to 50% of
total users.
V SOCIETY: CULTURE, NORMS AND ETHICS The social system constitutes a boundary within which an innovation diffuses and will have an effect on the rate of VR’s adoption (Rogers 1983). Some researchers notice that the cultural values of the population play an important role in predicting the uptake of an innovation. The innovation's chances of survival increase if it does not go against important principles in that community (peru boiling water?). For an innovation to succeed, there must be an absence of incompatibility with society's attitudes and mores. As we head towards a new millenium, the environment is right for immersive VR. People want change...cyberculture, with post babyboomers born with computers at home. According to Dysart (1995), "todays’ Nintendo generation is hungry to integrate the gripping interactive impact of VR’s communicative powers in every facet of their lives." The evolution of media technologies suggests that VR may rise to become the next dominant communication medium. Computers are becoming more widespread, and Internet use is on the increase every day, with an estimated 2 billion people connected from around the world. Today’s "hi tech" environment will facilitate the diffusion of VR which has been heralded as the next super medium. The US federal government is pouring hundreds of millions into VR research for the military but it spends relatively little to help develop its civilian applications (Weiss 1996 p59). The degree of government involvement in VR standards setting and promotion of implementation will directly affect its diffusion (Valente & Bardini p308). The absence of government intervention and policies designed to create widespread adoption of VR will insure that VR adoption starts only among those most able financially to experience it. The ideal climate would be one in which 1. both govt and industry encourage domestic markets for the technology 2. people with vision hold responsible positions in funding agencies 3. adequate funds available for research in universities 4. govt coalitions with universities and industries establish high bandwidth channels necessary to provide shared resources to as many people as possible (Larijani 1994 p206). The most common ethical concern is that VR will skew humanity’s moral compass. Conventional morality will break down in virtual worlds as immoral actions have no consequences (Kershner 1995 p64). Teledildonics may pose a problem, although there will be a huge market for it. Another concern is whether VR will influence reality judgments (Shapiro and McDonald 1995). Rheingold (1991) suggests that VR is likely to complicate our judgments about reality. Spending too much time in VR could be damaging to those who need to confront reality, not to escape it.. VI SUMMARY Despite the dangers of predicting the future of VR systems based on
the somewhat deterministic theory of innovations diffusion, it is able
to provide a broader understanding of the possible factors that will affect
VR’s adoption and use in the coming years. Not only will VR systems become
more widespread as the technology improves, and the prices drop, but also
importantly relevant are the number of useful applications, especially
for communicative purposes, networks of early adopters and how they persuade
others to adopt, and the social , economic and political environment of
the time also play important roles in speeding up the diffusion of VR systems.
Rogers says that getting a new idea adopted, even when it has obvious advantages,
is often difficult. Many technologists think that advantageous innovations
will sell themselves, that the obvious benefits of a new idea will
be widely realised by potential adopters, and that the innovation will
therefore diffuse rapidly. Unfortunately this is very seldom the
case. Most innovations, in fact, diffuse at a surprisingly slow rate.