G-A's Photographs - The Old Hair Style

Here are a few examples.....

GA ready to go out You've got to be warmly dressed to brave the elements. In Scotland these elements can be quite arduous!....

GA on stairs I spend time at home...

GA in kitchen Domesticated...?

GA searching Ill disciplined...?

GA on desk I get out and about....

GA at Jimmy's Bar Ready to party; I'm sure we do have more fun, even if we are dumb!

GA at NC Bar So where are the drinks?....

Another Bar Another Bar, but quieter. Of course I'm not always alone....

GA on bed Posing again

GA sitting A quiet rest before the next event

GA on another bed The next event....?

The reality is that while I do get out and about, it is surprising just how often it seems to finish inside; in "Bars" and then on "Strange Beds" !!

I hope you liked the pictures as much as I liked having them taken.

[As at May 8, 2004]