Here I will share some of my thoughts and ramblings about
what it is like for me to be a Gay Man.
Being a Gay man is only one small part of who I am!
Where does one begin to start to express their views on a
I grew up in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada in a family with 5 childern First, I do not believe that there is a Heaven or Hell. Heaven is a place on Earth where I presently Live, for some people their life is heaven and for others it is hell.
I have studied the bible and I have never read anywhere in it that Jesus said, Homosexuality is wrong! There are passages that mention homosexuality but those were written by man, and they may just be expressing their personal views and I feel that with all that Jesus spoke about and against, he NEVER said that being Gay was wrong. Plus, I really believe that God does not make any mistakes, that there is always a reason for his actions. We might never understand why bad things happen to people or why God allows things to happen when it brings pain and suffering into someone's life. We just have to try to accept these events as a chance to grow spiritually. If we take the time to connect with the God of our understanding, we are sure to find the answer to all our questions as to why this or that happend. With all that being said, I know that I am not a mistake and that I was born Gay for some very good reasons to grow Spiritually. Plus, I wouldn't change anything about my life because everything that has occurred in my life has made me who I am today and I am very Happy with my life. God has Blessed me with many wonderful things, a Husband, a good Family, good Friends, a great place to grow Spiritually and a warm, comfortable home to rest in. It has taken me many years to culivate my befiefs, to what they are today, to learn from my experiences and I believe that Jesus knew what he was talking about, it is just that man mis-interpreted his thoughhts and beliefs to suit himself. Jesus taught about Love and Acceptance, love and acceptance of others as well as yourself! Not about hating and judging others as to whether or not they are living life right but a certain groups set of standards.
I have learned many things over my short years of living and here are some things that have helped me make my life alittle easier!
* SIN is actually just Self Imposed Nuisance
* There are only three things one should do daily in their life,
I am a Honest, Trustworhy, Hardworking, Reliable, Spiritual
and Loyal Human Being with a great sense of Humor, who is also
a Husband, Son, Brother, Uncle, Great Uncle, Friend, and I could
list all the Careers I worked in but most of all I have learned that:
I am a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience.
subject that causes people to Kill & Hate others just because they don't
agree or are afraid of that person's lifestyle?
and a Mom and Dad. We were brought up in the Baptist Church and later switched over to the Pentecostal Church. So, I know alot about the Bible and its teaching, some of the things I learned to this day is still in my heart. However, there is a fair amount that I have had to disregard because I feel that it was "Man" not "God" who was expressing their views about Homosexuality. Let me get this out of the way, I DO NOT believe that just because I am Gay that I will go to hell when I die! One would need to believe there is a place called Hell, in the first place, and I do not believe there is a Hell.
Hell is a life on earth when one is not connected to God.
Also, Hell for me would mean that I would have to come back to this level of exisitance and re-live this life to learn what I missed the first time around. No Thanks! I want to try to get it right this time around.
1. Eat
2. Sleep
3. Shit
(Pardon my Language, but do you get the point?)
the rest is optional;
You need to eat and sleep in order to live and work and play and to be healthy one must empty their bodies of the waste that we don't need. All the rest doesn't matter because without these three things going for you how can you manage to conitune to live your life fully has God wants you to?