Jeri Elaine
SMSgt (E-8)
US Air Force
Dates Served: 1972 - 1997
Duty Stations: At various times: Keesler AFB, Misawa AFB, Barksdale AFB, McClellan AFB, Wheeler AAF, Beale AFB, Nurnburg GE, Rhein Main AB GE, Bismarck ND - TDYs March AFB, Suwon AB ROK, Incirlik AB TU, Bitburg AB GE, Osan AB ROK, and a few other places nobody has ever heard of.
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Comments: Jeri writes: Don't really have a 'war story' that is really interesting. I did wear pantyhose when stationed up in the great frozen north, but a lot of guys did. I really liked it when the BDUs replaced the old fatigues, I could hide a lot under them - guess BDU stands for Bra Disguisal Unifoorm. I know they hid mine pretty well. My only close call came when I did PT before work, then showered and changed in the locker room at the squadron. Almost got caught in there a couple of times with my shaved legs and pretty red toe nails.