Tina's Writings


Writing is one of the creative outlets I enjoy. I have included some of my work here. I do hope you enjoy it.


For Suzie

I wrote this poem when I was first coming to terms with my transgenderedness.


Scarlet Begonias

A character from a transgender fiction story asserts an individual identity and challenges its author. Could this be Franz Kafka meets Mary Shelly? Or is it just bad writing gone out of control?

A Sky Full of Terror

Agents of the most covert agency in America become entangled with the events of September 11, 2001.

Escape from Harmony (Part 1)

Shipwrecked on a mysterious island, a man is transformed into a woman. First of two parts.

Escape from Harmony (Part 2)

A man transformed into a woman is forced to serve the men on a mysterious island. But there is a way out of any trap. Second of two parts.

Jury Duty

See what happens when a crossdresser decides to fill in for his girlfriend when she is summoned for Jury Duty

The Encounter

What would happen if an alien abducted a crossdresser?

Men In Black Dresses

The story of an elite corps of cross-dressed agents, working to protect the transgendered universe from the scum of humanity.

Best Served Cold

A tale of forced feminization and revenge. This story is quite different from most forced-feminization stories. It is also quite violent.

A Tale From the Wall

A transvestite and a transsexual meet and become friends in Southeast Asia, during the Vietnam War.

The Girl Friend

A man is caught crossdressing by his wife. What happens next?

A Day of Surprises

A teenage boy is caught cross-dressed by his parents. But this is not the biggest surprise this day.

The Brass Bottle

Suppose you were granted three wishes. What would you ask for?


A sequel to Best Served Cold. The cycle of revenge must be broken before we are consumed by it.

High Tea for Jennifer

This is a ghost story, and a love story. A troubled couple buys a mansion and discover that its former occupant is still in residence.


My First Time in a Dress

The true story of my first experience wearing a dress. I was nine.

The Tina Story

This is the ongoing chronicle of my journey of self-discovery.

How Tina Got Her Name

The story of the special significance of my femme name.

What's All This Transgender Stuff Anyhow?

Herein the princess speaks on the subject of gender identity, offering her own not-so-humble opinion. She sure is an opinionated broad!

On Transgender Fiction

More of Princess Tina's musings. Most transgender fiction is just thinly disguised pornography. We can do better.