Welcome to Valerie's

Niche on the Web


Yes, this is Valerie!

Update on my disease

This site's subject matter, if you have not already guessed...... is about my interest in cross dressing! Your invited in to look around. Just to clear the air...... I am a *T* gifted person, whatever than means at the moment. If your are into labels check this link, this is where I think labels belong. If you found yourself here by mistake and would like to leave, visit here.

Valerie's Linking Pages

I hope you enjoy visiting and hope that you will find some useful information while "surfing" my links.

About Valerie

Photo Pages updated 7/16/98

Valerie's Friends

Just some thoughts updated 7/21/98

Bipolar Disorders

New Pics 1/9/1999

Picture at computer

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Things I Like To Do *being updated*

Shopping *being updated*


I am always happy to get E-Mail!!!! mailto:cdda10@hotmail.com Just keep it kind...... and...... not too risque.

If you would like...... to "I seek U"...... my ICQ is12402584

You're the visitor to grace this site!

last updated 07/21/98