Rundown ruins

Welcome to The Low Rent District

(farting in the couch is okay)

Last updated: 12/31/98

Updated: Updated Michigan Gun Show Schedule

The couch has been farted in [counter] times since November 7, 1996. Maybe I should cover it with that plastic stuff like my grandmother did...
On July 15 I had the opportunity to go on helicopter patrol with the Detroit Police department's Aeronautical Services Division. The experience was incredible, and the pictures prove it.
Thanks to Ed Rhoads, AA4ED, for sending in an update to the Space Shuttle Frequency Directory. If you happen to be in the Miami area during a mission, listen to Ed's repeater on 146.850 MHz for Space Shuttle audio.
Shuttle Frequency Directory The Space Shuttle Frequency Directory is a document I started compiling sometime in 1987. Back then it was little more than 5 or 6 pages of fairly unorganized material from official sources and personal communication. NASA and Goddard Space Flight Center supply audio and video coverage of ongoing missions through the NASA Select TV service, and official "working" communications are available on other land mobile and government frequencies. The Space Shuttle Frequency Directory lists many of these communication resources for your enjoyment. Updates to the information are always welcome, and can be sent using the Frequency Update Form.
Michigan Inline Skating Site Guide I have compiled a list of sites suitable for Inline Skating in Southeastern Lower Michigan (the Detroit/Ann Arbor Metro Area). Also, newly added is a list of cities and towns in this area with ordinances against Inline Skating.
Amateur Radio This area is still being worked on, but check it out. Amateur Radio has many facets to explore for anyone interested in science, weather, public service and emergency assistance, traveling, foreign culture, physics, engineering, or space.
Shooting Sports Here you can find some information on shooting ranges in the Southeastern Lower Michigan area to indulge your love of target shooting with firearms or bow.
Rich Weinkauf here (...sitting on the ridge above the Worthington Glacier just outside Valdez, Alaska).

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&copy1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 Rich Weinkauf
Farmington, MI