Junior High 2 1999 Funny Stories

On the last day, Brooke and Danielle #1 asked if they could go to the bathroom during rest hour. Since we were in the Soo cabin, I said they could as long as they went to the ones by the boy's side. It was REST HOUR...1:00.....in the middle of the day, mind you. When they came back they were just laughing up a storm. We asked what happened and when they walked into the girls side, they found a boy!

I was sitting next to Kim at lunch one day and we had a really incompetant bunch. We kept asking the kids to pass things, but they just gave us these blank stares. Finally near the end of the meal Kim asked them to pass the milk. They all just looked at her funny, so she got up and went to the end of the table where the milk was and brought it back to her seat. Suddenly, the light bulb turned on in one girl's head. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I get it!"

Dori spilled coffee on Nick....Jeremy then gave her free canteen for doing so.

A group of about ten of us went to Ol' Baldy on Friday afternoon. Counselors Jeremy, Jeremy, and Jen; 6 campers (Jodi, Kim, Sparky, Kali, and a few more smiling faces), and.......Max the dog! As we were leaving camp, our favorite golden canine pal tagged along. As we walked along the road, he panted and looked pretty much drained. I think Sparky said it best with, "Max looks like he's gonna pass out." But eventually Max got his second wind and ran to catch up with us. When we go to where we had to cross the road, we couldn't just leave him there to get flattened by a car, so I grabbed his collar and led him across the road. Then, Max ran ahead of us and led the way to the top of Ol' Baldy.

It was the last night of camp...all the campers in Soo cabin were sad :( So we talked about wedding plans to cheer everyone up. The girls wanted to be in my wedding (how sweet :) Suddenly Bethany shouted, "Do you have a maid of honor?" We all laughed. Then someone asked if I had a flower girl. I told them that they were too old to be flower girls. Silence followed. Then the small voice of Erin: "Do you have hoppers?" And now I have ten hoppers lined up for my wedding.

I know there were a lot more funny things that happened at camp this summer.....if you witnessed one of them email me and I'll put your funny story up.

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